58 - Confessions & Call Outs

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"As long as you're happy, Mia",Sarah hugged me as I closed my locker.

"I am, Jamie makes me happy",I smiled a genuine smile at her.

"I guess I've never seen you like this, I'm used to your fake smiles",she shrugged.

"Hopefully they won't be anymore of those",I laughed.

"Did you speak to Penelope?",Sarah asked after looking down the hallway and seeing Penelope talking to some girls we hadn't really seen before.

"No but that reminds me that I have to take my pills",I slid my hand into my backpack and took out the plastic cylindrical container.

"I used to think Penelope was nice , who knew she was such a bi-"

"Sarah! I still feel like I owe her an apology",I cut her off.

"No, she's too full of herself. She says you act as if the world revolves around you? Well newsflash! She is totally obnoxious and she has Yoko brainwashed into singing 'All Hail The Queen'. Yeah, the queen of being fake",Sarah started and shook her head in disapproval.

"All she does is use you, she made you help her with Adam, and she tried to get you to help get her with Marcellous. It's not your fault that Marcellous was a smart guy in realising you're amazing, in my opinion you don't even need-"

"Sarah, she's my friend. I've known Penelope since the eighth grade. She's been there for me, Yoko and her both. They're my best friends",I shrugged.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, I just don't like when anyone takes advantage of you",Sarah smiled.

"You're the best, aren't you?"

"Well, I don't want to brag but yes",Sarah giggled.

"Hey chi chi. Hi Sarah",Yoko made her way toward us.

"Yoko",Sarah gave her a warm hug.

"What's up, buttercup?",I smiled.

"I actually came to ask a favor",Yoko said nervously.

"What can we do you for?",Sarah inquired.


"Spit it out",Sarah taunted her teasingly.

"Okay okay,so you see there's this guy..."

"A guy?",I asked because I thought I misheard her. Yoko had never spoke about a guy to me. I wouldn't have been surprised if she came out as asexual to me. It would have actually been more normal than hearing her say anything about a guy.

"Before you start planning my wedding bare in mind that we are just friends",she said sternly.

"Just friends you say",I smiled.

"This is juicy, tell us more",Sarah jumped in.

"So like I said, we are just friends and we have been hanging out for a while now and he asked me to go out tonight",she said nervously.

"He asked you out! Like on a date?",Sarah questioned excitedly.

"Wait, wait, wait. Who is this guy that you've been hanging out with for a while and have not told me about?",I raised an eyebrow.

"I only didn't tell you because I didn't want you making a big deal out of it chi chi",she pouted.

"Who is he?",I cleared my throat.

"Malachi",she answered.

"Malachi? As in Chi? As in... wait...",I rambled. Trying to process what she had just said to me. Suddenly the pieces began to fit together,she was the mystery girl that Chi was smitten with.

"Mia, shh. Someone might hear you",Yoko hit me on the hand and looked around.

No one was paying attention to us but she certainly seemed to care about someone hearing our conversation.

"I'm sorry I'm just a little-"

"...mind blown",Sarah shook her head. "Chi is your friend right?",Sarah looked at me.

"Yes, one of my oldest. Actually he might be my oldest friend ever",I said in realisation.

"He is definitely good looking but is he a good fit for Yoko?",Sarah asked.

"He's a great guy. He's caring, kind and he will make you laugh all the time with his silly jokes",I smiled.

"Slow down there, or you're gonna reveal your secret crush on him",Sarah laughed.

"I think you two would be a great match it's just that, he isn't well as smart as you",I shrugged after giving Sarah a hard nudge for teasing me about Chi.

"He is smart, and like I said we're just friends so stop calling us a "great match" cause it's annoying", Yoko rolled her eyes at us.

"You know what I mean, he's just not as smart as you",I shrugged.

"But I kinda find him adorable",she smiled.

"So you do like him",Sarah coughed.

"That's not the point. He asked me out tonight, he knows how badly I wanted to go to the Escape Room downtown because there is this new Lost Temple theme",Yoko said.

"What's the problem?",I asked perplexed.

"I don't want to go alone with him,I'm really scared. This is my first date,ever and yes I really like him so would you two please come with?",she pleaded and scrunched up her face.

"That's so cute",Sarah laughed.

"I would have been stoked to go with you guys but I'm actually seeing Jamie tonight,we can't meet after school because he has detention so we decided to see each other later on",I explained hoping she would understand, I felt bad for coming in between young love.

"You can bring him too!",Yoko exclaimed. "Please, please,please",she said in addition.

"I guess I can",I smiled a small smile knowing that Jamie hated being around people.

"Would you mind if I brought Trent?",Sarah asked with a smile.

I looked at Yoko, taking into consideration her deep dislike of Trent and the fact that she couldn't say no.

"Sure",she smiled.

"Yay, this is going to be so fun. I'm going to find Trent right now and tell him!",Sarah said excitedly. "See you two later!",she waved us off as she walked down the hallway.

"Perfect",I smiled. Trent and Jamie in the same room and that room will be locked. Locked to a point where we literally have to escape. I couldn't think of a better way to commit suicide.

"I'm sorry, you know I can't say no and I know you don't like Trent",Yoko frowned.

"Don't worry about it",I lied.

"Thank you so much for this, I just got to get Penelope and we're all set",Yoko sighed.

Penelope!Oh no. Penelope and I in an escape room. I was going to be murdered.

I needed to suck it up and be a man. I needed to look at the escape room as a perfect way for me to apologise to Penelope and get her to stop hating me.

"Chi chi?You look worried", Yoko touched my shoulder.

"No I'm okay, by the way how come your parents are allowing you to go out on a school night?",I asked diverting her attention away from my mental well being.

"Mr Porter called my mom to let her know she doesn't need to come to the meeting tonight since my grades are fine. So after the call I asked her and she couldn't really say no",Yoko smiled.

"Oh no! Tonight is the Parent- Teacher meeting",I said feeling as if I had been shot in the leg with an arrow.

"Parent- Teacher meeting? We don't usually go to those",she shrugged.

"Cause usually my grades are fine. This time they aren't",I shook my head.

"Mia, if you needed help-"

"Yoko, stop. I don't want to speak about this. I'll see you at lunch."

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