70 - Diabetic Mothers & Delightful News

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I got home to find Rafael sleeping on the couch and season two of How I Met Your Mother playing on the television at an extremely loud volume. He didn't see me come in so I decided to sneak up and jump on him.

"You elephant!", he exclaimed as he pushed me off him.

"Totally worth it", I laughed and compromised by sitting next to him.

"Is it that time already?",he asked me in shock.

"Yes, why? Do you have to fetch your girlfriend from school?",I laughed.

"Actually I do, she doesn't like walking home alone",Raf rolled his eyes as he sat up.

"You disgust me",I gave him a dirty look.

"The feeling is mutual", he smiled.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Aunty A was helping me out with pointers for the job, she got started on supper early so I decided to watch some of the Stinson man",he said pointing at the television.

"Why is she home early today?"

"Hermosa",my mother poked her head out of the kitchen.

"Mom",I said walking toward her.

"I took the day off to show Raf the ropes",she smiled.

"Thanks again Aunty A",Raf said from behind me.

"No problem mijo, are you leaving already?Don't you want to stay for supper?"

"I have to leave now Aunty A, next time I promise",he answered.

"Let me pack up some food for you to take then", my mother retreated back to the kitchen.

Rafael and I followed her play fighting on the way. When we entered the kitchen I noticed the slab of chocolate on the counter.

"Mom! What is this?",I picked up the half eaten chocolate.

"I felt for something sweet",she said as she opened the cabinets in search of a container.

"Aren't you diabetic Aunty A?"

"Yes she is, she knows she can't be eating this stuff!",I exclaimed in anger.

"It wasn't a lot baby, I won't eat anymore", my mother said sadly as she began making a takeaway bag for Rafael.

"Wasn't a lot? It's the fact that you still ate it that can harm you but if you don't care then why should I?  Anyway, I'm going to my room. Bye Raf",I said as I exited the kitchen.

"Mia!", my mother called after me.

I overheard as Raf told my mother that I'll get over it. Obviously I would but the fact that my mother was doing something to harm herself made me upset. I already lost one parent and I didn't want to lose the other. Maybe I was just being dramatic.

When I got to my room I calmed down and decided that I was going to apologise to her even though she was wrong. I guess I could tone down the fury a little bit.

I took out my History textbook and decided to go over the entire week's reading since I had already done most of my tasks. I was proud of myself because I was taking initiative. Top five didn't seem so far away.

I heard footsteps coming up the staircase and my room door creaked open a little.

"I owe you an apology but that doesn't mean you don't have to knock",I rolled my eyes expecting to see my mother enter my room but instead Jamie's tall figure was at my doorframe.


"Learn how to knock",I gave him a look as I got off my bed.

"I was hoping you'd be in here naked or something",he smirked.

"You have big dreams boy",I laughed.

"I missed you",he shook his head and came toward me. He had the same look that he had the other night when we were at his house. The look that suggested he wasn't his normal self, the lustful look.

"I missed you too, now do I get the good news?", I asked.

"Sure",he said as he closed my bedroom door and came toward me.

He kissed me intensely. His one hand holding the back of my neck and the other gripping my lower back. I kissed him back getting caught up in the moment as my hands roamed through his hair. Jamie pushed me back until I fell onto my bed. I moved my History textbook and highlighters out of the way and focused on Jamie who was now kissing my neck.

"Wait, my mom",I said to him realising she was just downstairs.

"She's gone to the store,she let me in as she left",Jamie replied and instantly went back to planting tiny,tender kisses on my neck.


"Yes?",he stopped and looked at me.

"What's the good news?",I asked.

Jamie was now hovering over me. I could smell his cologne and feel the way he was breathing.

"My dad is letting my brother and I stay in Oregon."


"We're going to stay at my mom's friend's house,she lives alone but-"

Before Jamie could finish the rest of his sentence I moved my body upward and kissed him. I couldn't describe how the fact that Jamie was staying made me feel. I kissed him hard and wrapped my hands around his neck. Jamie smiled into our kiss.

"Wait",I broke away from the kiss. "What were you going to say?"

"Nothing",he replied and kissed me again.

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