65 - Surprise Girlfriends & Surprise Girlfriends

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Mia's POV

I made my way to the courtyard in search of Yoko to ask her how things went with Chi the night before. I thought I would run in to Chi on the way to school but for some reason he was no where in sight. I turned down the corridor as I changed my mind and made the decision to get some coffee. I stood in the line for the counter which wasn't very long.

"Excuse me, are you Mia?"

I turned around to see a blonde girl in a floral summer dress and heels. I had never seen her before and if I did then I didn't recall.

"Yes", I reluctantly answered.

"I'm Caroline, Marcel's girlfriend."


"Oh sorry. You probably know him as Marcellous",she said as her hair bounced.

Marcellous. Girlfriend.

"What?", I blurted without thinking.

"Let's get down to it, it has to come to my attention that you and Marcellous have some thing going on",she spoke sternly.

"Something- something going on?"

"Did you not know that he has a girlfriend?",she asked rudely.

"Uh, I assure you nothing is going on between Marcellous and I",I shook my head as I realised what she was accusing me of.

"It doesn't seem like it because I've heard you two have been seeing each other and who knows what's been going on, you Ashwood girls are so sleazy",she cleared her throat.

"What?", I chuckled.

"Stay away from my boyfriend or else you and I are going to have a problem",she said in a shrude tone as gave me a dirty look.

"Well, Caroline that is not a hard thing for me to do", I said getting annoyed.

"Are you sure? You look like the type to steal other girls boyfriends."

"I can't do this, I gotta go", I said lifting both my palms to her as I moved out of the line.

"Hey, I'm still talking to you", she followed me.

"This conversation is over",I said as I made my way back into the hallway.

"No! It's not.",she rolled her eyes.

"Yes it is! I don't know who you are and why you think you have the right to talk to me the way you feel like! I did not even know Marcellous was your boyfriend! Also maybe you should tell him to actually tell people he has a girlfriend and stop kissing girls that don't like him back!", I yelled at her as I felt my body get hot and my face get red.

She had won. She made me angry and now I was running on fumes. I shook my head as I turned to walk away.

"Mia!",I heard a voice call after me and all of a sudden someone caught up to me.

"I caught a glimpse of that, what goes on?"

I turned to look at him. His tall figure hovering over me. He smiled at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Raf, thank God", I sighed.

"What's up, cousin?"

"That girl you saw me lash out at, some guy made a pass at me. That's his girl", I rolled my eyes.

"Whoah look at you pulling the boys with girlfriends",he laughed and lightly punched my arm.

"No, besides I told him that him and I are never going to happen", I pushed his hand away.

Empty.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon