Chapter 10 - The Temptation

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The electricity I felt when Harold was absorbed into my soul returns. This time there is no waiting period. Pure ecstasy wraps around my entire being. This new soul combines with mine and new thoughts of wanting to be free from the binds of this job emerge. I feel bad that I didn't know the reaper's name. Ron Spaulding floats through my thoughts.

I can sympathize with the former reaper, but I must retain my identity. I cannot allow the other souls in my mind to take over. Their will leans on my own like a child asking for a new toy. Maybe later, I tell them, but they persist with the same childlike energy. I wonder what it would be like if I had more souls. The amount of voices vying for attention would drown everything out, but I can feel the increase of power with each one all the way down to my toes. If I were to push down with my feet, the ground would compact as if I were a superhuman preparing to leap to the stars.

"What power you would wield Thomas. Perhaps you could show the angels how to use the power they waste."

I turn to see Ornias sitting on a swing with a drink in hand. "What is it you want Ornias? Nevermind.. I don't want to know. I have a job to finish here."

The demon finishes taking a sip. "What job? Haven't you renounced your responsibility?"

I teleport away without responding. The girl may be dead now with her soul alone and vulnerable. When the smoke clears what I see makes me angry. Three demons dancing around the girl's body. Her body is pinned to a tree with a spear-like object protruding from her chest. Perhaps her soul hasn't come out yet.

"Look again reaper. The demon on the left has her.", Ornias says from behind my left shoulder.

I grunt in frustration. Springing into action I go after the demon that is clawing at the soul. My staff springs into my hand as I bound towards that demon. All three of the demons have their backs to me, but I only see the one through the flames in my eyes.

I crack the demon on the shoulder with my staff. The demon catches fire where my staff touched him. The length of the staff contains incantations from archangels and archdemons as any grim-reaper would have on their weapons. The demon curses me as it leaps away from further attacks. The soul is shaking on the ground. Fear is emanating off of it which is something I have never been able to detect before.

As I pick up the soul, the demons lunge at me. The swing of my staff causes them to jump back and begin cursing me anew.

"Back off my brothers. There will be plenty of other opportunities to play." The other three demons teleport away after directing a few more curses and crude gestures in my direction. Ornias continues, "What now Thomas? Is this yet another prize gained to add to your growing power? Or do you wish to hand her over to me? I can think of many ways to entertain her."

I ignore him, and then send the soul up to heaven as my assignment dictates.

The demon sighs then says, "What a waste. I was hoping you would have ended this resistance and embrace your fate. Do you not wish to increase your power?"

"Begone demon. I have work to do." I clench my fist. I do not want to reveal how tempted I am to collect more souls.

"That desire you feel will not go away Thomas. I can help you gain more power than you can imagine. When you realize that, I will call you brother. Until then reaper." The demon teleports away.

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