Chapter 22 - Distrust

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The sparks and smoke evaporate around me revealing a residential neighborhood. I walk across the paved road towards a house where a man with a medical bag is leaving. The house has yellow paint on the wood panels just above a red brick lower half. I hear a moan from a man inside.

"You can't run from me reaper. I have things to discuss with you before you enter Hell. Once we are in the Lucifer's domain, there will not be any private conversations."

I scoff. "Lucifer doesn't trust his minions? I'm shocked!"

Ornias laughs, "Hell is not all fun and games Thomas. It's a lot like the world here, but demons are all power hungry. Too many chiefs with not enough indians. Everyone has their faction and they all squabble amonst each other. Even within factions things are always in turmoil."

"Deception on top of deception doesn't make for a steady foundation."

"You're preaching to the choir Thomas. I want to change things in Hell. With enough support I could stabalize things, organize, and get everyone moving in the same direction for once. Do you know the last time that happened?"

"I'm guessing that you're going to tell me whether I care or not." I teleport into the bedroom of the sick old man. There are some machines there with their humming and beeping noises. A nurse is there by the man's bed reading a book. The young asian woman is playing with her hair until it's time to turn the page.

Ornias follows soon after and leans on one of the bedposts. "It has never happened as far as I know. Lucifer must be a fan of Darwin's 'survival of the fittest' because he does nothing to stop it. There have been uprisings where factions have tried to take down Lucifer himself, but still he is content to let chaos reign."

"Perhaps your beloved Satan doesn't give a shit about you."

"I know that's the case reaper. You have no idea. There are very few things that Lucifer cares about. I have seen new souls with enormous potential destroyed simply because one of the Archdemons chose it as a plaything. Hell is all about surviving. It would be to your benefit to ally with me. I can protect you until you have fully obtained control over your demon body."

I look at the demon. "You make it sound like one of those zombie apocalypse movies." I haven't seen any of them, but one of the souls inside insists that someone named Brad Pitt is amazing.

"That's not far from the truth. In Hell you don't have any safe havens. There is no place to hide."

"I saw how you treat allies. I remember those demons you set to attack me."

Ornias laughs, "Those weak willed fools? They weren't strong enough to survive in Hell anyway. I just put them out of their misery. Many other demons would have taken their time to relish every scream."

"What if I turned out to be as weak?"

"I would do the same for you. Fear not reaper, I know you are not weak. Quite the opposite. One of the other souls within would have seized control by now if you were not strong of will." The earnest nature of the demon's voice surprises me. It makes me wonder if trusting him in this venture would be better than the alternative. I still find it hard to trust any demon.

The dying man's breathing slows as all the machines begin making alarm sounds. I reply, "I just want this to be over. I don't like to be used as a rope in a tug of war between angels and demons." I walk over to the man to stare into his eyes. A bright flash comes as Ornias responds.

I see the vision again. The girl falls. I see the gun with it's rose and writhing vines. The razor sharp thorns look as if they are reaching out from the barrel. I see rosary beads hanging down from the butt of the gun. There is a small cross hanging from it. Text on the cross says "HAVE FAITH". When I see the mirror again, it's a reaper's skull. This time there is no scar on the forehead. It looks like me, but the scar has healed.

I snap out of the vision. How far into the future is this vision? Why would a reaper be carrying a gun? Reapers heal, but it can take years without the help of an angel. I doubt I'll be getting that kind of help anytime soon.

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