Chapter 20 - Battle With The Angels

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Ornias turns towards me saying "I'll go get backup!" He then winks at me and teleports away.

"Son of a ..." You can't trust a demon. He's very effectively driven a wedge between Heaven and myself.

The angels fan out with their wings spread trying to surround me on the wide dirt road. Remiel says, "Left alone to die. How dost thee feel about that reaper?"

Many of the souls within urge me to respond by telling the angel to do something very distasteful using four letter words. Instead I say, "Peachy."

If I don't do something quick the angels will have me surrounded on this wide dirt road. My hand finds the staff under my cloak. I teleport behind an angel to the left, and crack him on the side of his head with the staff. I teleport down the road away from the barn. The blow hurt the angel, but not enough to incapacitate it. How am I going to deal with ten angels trying to kill me? The wards on my staff help against angels and demons alike, but they don't give me the power to fight off several soldiers. I'm good, but not that good.

Remiel says, "Teleportation ist not a skill reserved only for reapers." The angels all teleport to surround me once more.

I teleport behind another angel, but Remiel is there to block my attack. The angel smiles, "You can't win reaper. There are too many of us."

"Remiel don't do.." The angel interrupts me by attacking. I teleport away in time to soften the blow, but part of the sword teleported with me. A shard of the sword has buried itself into my cloak. It's stuck within my collarbone. It doesn't seem like I can talk them out of this. I need to negotiate from a position of power.

I grit my teeth and begin the dance of battle. The anger of the souls within fuel the fire. I can feel the sparks ready to fly from my fingers. Let the dance begin. The angels and I teleport time and again manuvering for position. The angels trying to box me in, but they are slower than me. I swing my staff away from any angels, teleport in to make it a vicious strike, then teleport away again. One down. I teleport in the middle of a group of three. They block my staff, but lightning springs forth from one of my hands. It forks out, striking two angels down. I teleport in and grab onto an angel's wing then blast another with lightning. The angel strikes at me as I try to teleport away. I take the wing with me, but the angel's sword put a deep scar on the left side of my forehead. It might not be a good idea to try that again. With lightning I take down two more teleporting in and out.

I call out, "Remiel, we don't have to keep going like this. I don't want to fight against the angels."

He responds, "Thy choice ist made. The demon binds thee."

I teleport in and blast the last two angels with lightning, leaving Remiel and myself. "Are you sure you want to do this? You are on your own. Can't we just talk Remiel?"

Remiel relaxes, his wings pull in. "Reaper ye have the advantage, but not for long."

"Can we make a deal? I just want to finish the job I was assigned."

The angel flips his sword in a circle while pacing back and forth. "That ist the way of demons. You struck down friends of mine. Why should I trust you?"

I flap my arms sideways in exasperation. "You attacked me angel. Your friends will be OK, I only knocked them out. Let me finish my job. I only wish to send these souls to where they belong, but I don't know where that is. I need your help Remiel! What must I do?"

"Make thy choice. Heaven or Hell. I cannot trust the reaper ye are."

"So be it. Once I am able to send these souls where they belong, I will choose. I will leave this reaper body behind and move on to Heaven or Hell."

"Our meeting wilst be at Holivera. Collect the remaining souls then wait there. May the lord have mercy on thine soul." Remiel teleports away.

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