Chapter eight: Thor (kinda)

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Do not fear, for I am here with another chapter! Hello everyone. Thank you for being so very patient for this update. It's been a pretty hectic month for me. Nonetheless, I am still determine to update once a month. Don't forget to vote, share and follow for more updates! Comments and reviews are always welcomed. Now on with the show!



Fandral and Sif felt rather uncomfortable under the jealous glares of a red-haired Einherjar (known as Tyr).

Loki had teleported them back to the castle safe and sound (albeit a little sick in the stomach).

Now the two warriors stood beside Loki. Sif on the left and Fandral on the right, looking ever dutiful and strong.

The court was in session. A line of Asgardian citizens stood before Loki, each one requesting something of him, or delivering a message.

In a span of three hours, the dark prince had not only been smiling kindly toward every visitor, but he had also taken their requests seriously and endured whatever insult and distrust they would shoot at him as they leave with a huff and a glare.

More than once, an Einherjar had to take actions and roughly escort someone out if things escalated.

Loki wasn't sure what he had done to get the tenth guy angry. He didn't even say anything besides smiling and offering a 'good afternoon' before the other party scoffed and barraged him with some dirty insults (when Loki had kept smiling and let the man lose some steam, the said man nearly mauled him).

Thus, the day in court was very unproductive.

A quarter of the nobles who attended the court session, those who have succeeded their fathers as new heads of their families and those a part of the Councillors, felt pity for Loki, who merely and docilely accepted the abuse with a calm and rational smile on his face.

The rest, who are old fogeys, didn't care and thought the prince deserved it. The few who had participated in the war with Jotunheim and knew of Loki's blood status within the royal family were sworn to secrecy. They enjoyed the sight of the Jotun runt being verbally tarnished by the masses.

In summary, the younger generation within the court session liked Loki very much, and the older 'Odin Generation' hated him to the bone.

Einherjars do not count. They admire their prince. Some may secretly be harboring a crush. Let's leave it at that.

As the last visitor, a middle age woman with a little girl holding her hand, left the room whilst shrieking and cursing words not meant for the ears of children, the golden door of the throne room finally shut itself to the public.

Once that happened, most of the nobles also trickled out through another exit. Some chose to stay. Specifically, the younger nobles and the Councilors.

As the old fogeys- highly respectable elders left the room, Loki slumped down in his golden chair and dropped Gungnir on the floor. Messaging his pounding head, he ignored the looks of pity shot in his direction.

"I think I need a drink." He sighed tiredly.

"Here you are, Your Majesty." Tyr dutifully offered over a goblet of mead for him to take.

Loki nodded in thanks and gulped down the honey-tasting alcohol in one fell swoop.

He turns to the Einherjars, including Tyr. "You are all dismissed." He told them, standing up.

The last of the younger nobles left, then followed by reluctant Einherjars.

Loki stands up, dragging Gungnir with him. He heads out with Sif and Fandral following him.

The Loki SystemTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon