Chapter eleven: Thor (kinda)

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Hello, Everyone! Author-san here. The first chapter of 2019 is finally posted. Thank you all for sticking with me this past year. I am happy with how far The Loki System has lasted. I have nothing much to say for this chapter. I just hope you all enjoy and comment on your thoughts. Reviews are also highly welcomed. Again, thank you for all your support and have a nice day!



-Timeline: The Autumn Period Pasts-

"My friend, my ever charming, dear friend Fandral the Dashing, I dare you to woo Loki and make him fall in love with you..."

These words, these words of challenge that were given to him by some random warrior, was what started it all off.

And so the plan begins.

Fandral spent a restless night, tossing and turning in his bed. He had an odd feeling that what he was doing was wrong, but why did he care? The prince was always playing pranks upon him. This could be considered revenge for always humiliating him.

With those thoughts set, the very next day, Fandral began the false courtship.

To the market square, a bush of blue and purple flowers, delicate and small, stood out amongst a stall of roses.

"How much for a bouquet?"

"Five silver coins, my lord, for the Forget-Me-Nots. Would you like them delivered? A gift for a lady friend perhaps?" The vendor asked with a twinkle in his eyes that Fandral could not fathom.

He chuckled despite this. "Perhaps, indeed, Sir. No need to deliver. I wish to gift it myself."

"Ah, I see. A bold man, you are. She will like them."

With the flowers paid, Fandral entered the palace with Forget-Me-Nots, intent to woo a Trickster.

The royal library was silent as per usual.

Its only occupant was a prince with raven hair. He sat by the window where the sunlight hit most, turning the pages to a tomb written in a language far different from the runic letterings that Fandral was used to seeing.

"What do you want now?"

Loki asked as if he was an annoyance, his eyes remaining still on his book without turning to face Fandral.

"Thought you might like some company."

Fandral could see the prince raise a brow. It would seem that he has piqued Loki's interest.

"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer bashing someone's head out with that sword of yours out in the training field?"

Or perhaps not.

"I also brought flowers," Fandral says quickly.

"Do you need me to woo a lady for you? Fandral the Dashing, it seems the moniker has run its course."

"The flowers are for you."

There was a pause, an awkward silence. For a moment, he tried to imagine what Loki was thinking.

He's going to find out.

Fandral thought, feeling nervous. If the prince finds out that this was a prank, a revenge prank, Fandral knew he would be doomed to suffer some more as the trickster's favorite prank victim.

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