Chapter fifteen: Thor (kinda)

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Sorry for the late update, guys. I've been struggling with this chapter since the last one was officially the end of the first movie. The story isn't done yet, however, there is still a few more chapters to go before I'm satisfied with an ending.

The cover contest is officially closed!


One particular cover has won by a landslide, although, I would like to thank everyone who has submitted a cover to me for the competition.

Speaking of which, the voting process for the competition had a lot of participants, and for that, I am grateful. However, there is an issue I would like to address.

A few peculiar voters for the covers have made a few negative comments on certain covers despite the efforts each artist has made and dedicated to making a cover for Loki System. I am disappointed by this behavior and hope that these commentators had no intentions of looking down on the artists' hard work, that it was simply a slip of the tongue.

On less mood-dampening news, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote, share, follow, and comment!



It was a fine morning in Asgard. Odin was still asleep, but his consciousness was alerted and well-aware. No doubt that he will awaken soon enough. As for his family, they were enjoying morning tea. Thor, his eldest, was unbanished from Midgard and has so far come back with a bit more humility, Frigga was enjoying the peace whilst it lasted, and Loki was still regent to the throne-

"I shall abdicate the throne to Thor."


"Oh dear- Thor, you are spitting tea everywhere, darling."

Frigga admonished her oldest.

"Mother look at my eyes. I have aged half a millennium ever since father fell asleep. It is time for brother to step up and do his thrice-damned job."

Frigga now turned to her youngest in order to chastised him on his crass language.

Loki sighed but a curl of a smile could be seen on his face.

"After this, I shall be taking a long vacation. I'm sure Thor will do well in time- won't you, brother?"

The intense stare Loki shot at the Thunderer told of many grievances and pent up stress that has been building up since day one. Who knows what might happen if Loki decides to let his restraints loose? You would bet that Thor would be the first to run as far as he can, not willing to stay to watch the aftermath of what could be called the natural disaster that is Loki.

"Yes. Let us immediately resume the coronation when father wakes up." Thor agreed quickly.

"Very good."

Loki replies in turn as he stands up. Throwing on his outer robes, he bids his mother and brother a good day.

"Fandral and I are visiting the market square and the orchards today. I shall see you both at dinner?"

With those words, the raven haired prince left the room, leaving behind the calm peace-

"Wait, Loki! What outing? And why are you meeting with Fandral? Loki?!"

"Oh, hush, Thor. Loki has gotten quite close with Fandral during your banishment, he is a nice man." Frigga informed her son.

A kind and gentle smile appeared on the beautiful face of the Queen. "Next time, we should invite him over for tea."

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