Chapter thirteen: Thor (kinda)

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Hello, everyone. I've been sick for about a week and spent that time between typing this chapter and using "bastardized sign language" to communicate with people due to a sudden voice loss. Although, the sick leave did give me the advantage to finish this chapter, so here we are.

The plot moves a little more in this chapter, so I hope you all enjoy. Please give me some feedback on how you thought of the chapter and don't forget to vote! (^▽^)



It was a particularly cloudy day in the City of New York.

Walking down the streets of the Big Apple was a well-dressed man, wearing a green scarf and a grey, cashmere sweater jacket with its sleeves rolled to his elbows. Paired with some well-fitted slacks that complimented his white inner shirt, the man could have looked like a prince despite his casual sense of dress.

Some people could look good in anything.

-Was the thoughts of many civilians- men and women alike- who stared in awe.

If only they knew that the man they were ogling was a Prince of Asgard and its resident God of Mischief.

He hummed a quiet tune to himself and admired the big city.

Loki knew he was technically supposed to check up on Thor, but he has become extremely fascinated with some of the technology in Midgard that he basically forgot about his brother.

He brought himself to a place called Central Park and watched the children play around while the adults went about in their everyday lives.

And now he was conversing with a group of college students.

"-Fascinating! I have never seen one of these before from where I come from."

One of the students looked at him curiously.

"They don't have Stark Phones in your country?"

"No," Loki shook his head. "The place I come from hardly has any of the technology I've seen so far in America. It was quite a culture shock, actually."

Oh, yes. Loki was pretending to be an exchange student from some foreign country...

Talking with the college students made him momentarily distracted from asking the whereabouts of the Avenger's Tower.

The prince could have teleported to that specific location, but being the free spirit that he was, he opted to take his own tour around the city while he was at it.

Along with acting friendly with some of the city residents, by noon Loki was performing some harmless mischief through the city.

Setting lose a few flocks of swans and acting like a pigeon tamer for some hundred pigeon swarms, New York received the excitement they never asked for.

Up in Avenger's Tower, Tony got an alert from Fury to gather everyone and suit up. Something about a bird army invading New York.

Remaining in Central Park sat the prince of Asgard on a park bench, playing happily with his bird army who surrounded him like he was their mother.

In his arms was a pigeon that he petted like a cat. Loki cooed at it. It was wonderful that the Midgardian birds were so kind as to receive him. He had not meant to cause this scene, but nonetheless, no one was harmed in the process of the event.

There were children chasing some of the flocks and adults taking pictures. The sight was harmonious, if not unusual.


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