Chapter 22

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The kiss had shaken him. It was different. It made him regret every kiss he'd had before. Just like many things in his life, he wished he could relive it over again. It meant a lot, not just to her.

It was Cassie's first. Her trembling hands and the way she had inhaled sharply when his lips found hers. The gentle and curious way she took it. It all made it the best kiss he'd ever had.

Victor hadn't wanted to leave. He had wanted her to stay in his arms while they watched Richard Gere on the large screen. Being with her and forgetting all that waited for him was tempting. She made him laugh and she made him want other things.

Being with her made it better. Easier. She didn't know that. Maybe he'd tell her. Maybe he wont. But he vowed to enjoy every minute of it for as long as she was with him.

He was on the roof deck, running his hands under the deck railing. It was dark, there were no cameras and most of Lagos was asleep.

He breathed in deeply the cool air and exhaled. Cassie's tender inexperienced kiss held more power than she realized.

He put his hands on the edge and looked down below. A traffic light blinked red in the distance and a streetlight flickered. The world stretched out invitingly.

Will would have said "splat on the asphalt."

Victor smiled slightly at the memory.

Being with Cassie was bitter and sweet. Two sides of a coin. She reminded him of what he once was and what he once had. Things he'd rather forget.

A cold breeze blew and he felt goosebumps rise on his skin. He climbed down back to the apartment and shut the trapdoor behind him.

He searched for the strongest liquor he could find and came up with a whisky. He poured a glass and drank. The liquid burned his throat and warmed him.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Victor walked towards it and opened it. It was Segun with a very pissed looking Catherine behind him.

"Let her in," said Victor.

Segun stepped aside to let her in. Catherine glared at him and hissed. She pushed passed Victor and marched inside, all the while removing her heels and dumping them on the floor.

Victor thought he caught a flash of something in Segun's eyes as he closed the door. Was it disappointment?

"I wonder why you still keep him," Catherine muttered.

"He keeps the crazies away," said Victor. "A Segun a day keeps the crazies away."

He turned and leant on the door. He watched as Catherine dropped her handbag on the floor and sank on the couch. The stream of moonlight from the tall windows caught her face, turning it silver. She was beautiful. She had been beautiful before but now her beauty held another dimension. It was darker. Like the beauty a snake's skin held.

He remembered the second time he met her. She had come to meet him backstage after an award show. He was sitting on a recliner still reveling in the way the crowd had gone crazy when Black Division was announced winner.

Sam was a few feet away, talking to his mother on the phone while Will sat by his side, listening to piano music he claimed helped him relaxed on his headphone while Victor was staring at the award that was in the shape of a microphone in his hands. He still couldn't believe his eyes.

She walked in clutching her own award. Will's eyes widened when he saw her. Sam was still on the phone, his back to them, he hadn't seen Catherine. All Victor could do was stare. She stole his breath away.

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