Chapter 33

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Davies was pissed. Pissed. That was the only word to describe the way his shoulders rose and fell and the curve of his lips, like he was trying not to say anything. Victor imagined steam wafting off his ears and he laughed.

"Care to share?" asked Davies. He was glaring at him, his back to the window.


"Nothing? Really? You blow off six hundred dollars per session studio time for four days and you say its nothing. That's what? A thousand and two hundred dollars. And do you know how pissed Seyi is? You never pick her calls. Do you know how off schedule you are?"

Victor laughed and gulped down the bottle. He didnt know if it helped or not. The pounding behind his eyes was still there. He fell down on the bed. He wasnt drunk, yet. "Chill, Davies. Chill."

"I'm chill, Victor. But you have a very juicy deal with SkyBase. And there is no way on earth you can renew it if you keep on going like this."

Victor closed his eyes and waved at Davies. He was dizzy but he knew he wouldnt sleep. Sleep didnt come to him these days.

"Its that girl, right? That girl you are spending time with."

"Cassie," said Victor. "Her name is Cassie." He stood up and got his phone from the sofa. His head was suddenly clearer.

He dialled her number. "Happy birthday," she said.

"Oh, thank you," he said. "I think from now on, everyday will be my birthday."


He crashed on the sofa, feet in the air and had the satisfaction of seeing Davies turn back to the window. "So, I can hear you say that to me everyday."

She laughed then coughed. "Oh, Victor," she said, sniffing. "I'm down with a cold."

Victor sat up. "That is not fair. The world isn't a fair place. How are you doing? Where are you? Should I come meet you?"

"No," she said, sniffing. "I've taken some medication. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Victor. I've got a surprise for you by the way."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Didn't you hear me? Its a surprise. I'll bring it by in the evening once I can stop my runny nose."

"Take care of yourself, Cassie."

"I will." She hung up.

Victor fell back on the sofa. He checked his wristwatch; it was a quarter past nine.

'I don't like this," said Davies, shaking his head. "Not a bit."


"You and this girl. That is a recipe for disaster."

"Disaster?" Victor snorted. "So, you prefer I go out with some fake, long legged actress or model?"

"Exactly my point. They know how to play the celebrity card."

Victor stood up and got another bottle of Whiskey. He poured it into a cup and added some coffee from the coffee pot. He drank and clenched his jaw. It tasted awful. "What is your point exactly?"

Davies walked towards him. "Its not my business but you should stay away from this girl. It wont be fair on the both of you. That is why celebrities only date celebrities." He stopped before Victor and pointed a finger at him. "You better be ready by tomorrow, Victor," he said. "This isnt your first rodeo."

Just then the door creaked open and Sam walked in. He was holding two plastic cups with something green sloshing inside them. "And here comes Sammy," cried Victor. He cupped his hands over his mouth and hooted.

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