Chapter 37

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WARNING/DISCLAIMER: I do not support abuse.

The sky was streaked with flashes of lightning and the clouds were pregnant with rain. Cass hesitated before unlocking the door, it might rain all through the rest of the day, but Victor had told her he was going to come by. She looked up at the sky as she twisted the key in the padlock. It was November. It rarely rained in November.

She stepped in and breathed in deeply the smell of coffee that lingered in the air. She desperately wanted a strong cup of coffee. All she'd had throughout the week was instant coffee which was nothing compared to the one fresh from the coffee pot.

She prepared a cup for herself and set it on her bar stool as she wiped the counter. It glinted harshly in the fluorescent light. She walked to the television and switched it on from the wall socket. Moments later, a news caster's voice softly droned on.

"Hello," said a voice at the door.

Cass turned just as the bell chimed. She frowned then covered it up with a smile as she tried to ignore the sinking feeling in her stomach. "Hey, Emeka," she said. "What brings you here?"

Emeka wore a brown beanie with a tweed jacket and brown denims. He removed the beanie and ran his hand through his short hair. "I... er..."

Cass turned back to wiping the counter. The last person she wanted to see was Emeka. What could he possibly want? She thought. "Close the door and come in. Do you care for some coffee?"

"Ah, yeah. Sure." He walked slowly towards the counter, his hands in his pocket. His head swivelled around the shop and he nodded. "So, you work here." He pulled a bar stool and sat before the counter.

Cass gave him a small smile as she set his coffee before him. "Yes," she said. "For quite a while now, selling liquid crack."

Emeka gave a short laugh. She felt his eyes raking over her but she didn't look up. She hoped a horde of customers would come in soon. She finished cleaning the counter and walked into Mr. Sammy's office. She took an inventory sheet and closed the door behind her. She headed to the refrigerated area where the cakes were kept. Emeka was fingering the rim of his cup.

"I just wanted to apologize."

"What for?" asked Cass. She ticked off chocolate fudge from the inventory.

"The other day, at the lab."

"Oh. There's nothing to be worried about."


"Yeah," said Cass as she returned to the counter and began to count the receipt sheets that were left.

"I... I think I came on a tad too strong."

Cass glanced up at him. She hadn't been listening to what he had been saying. "Yeah?"

Emeka nodded as if he'd suddenly figured something. "Yeah."

Cass shrugged. "It happens."

"I must have sounded like a jerk, during our date."

Cass tried not to frown. Quite surprisingly, the memory of the date with Emeka was still fresh. It made her think of many what if scenarios. What if Emeka hadn't had a crazy ex? What if Emeka hadn't said he was in love with her on the first date? Would she have felt attracted to Victor assuming her date with Emeka had ended well?

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