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"I'm calling it." Mia said randomly as we sat eating lunch in the food court.


"I'm calling it," she repeated. "You two are going to hook up by the end of the semester."

"Who?" I asked, picking up my Subway and taking a large bite out of it.

"You and Cameron."

I groaned through my mouthful. "What is with you and thinking we're going to have sex?"

She rolled her eyes. "What is with you and not wanting to have sex with him? Hello? Anybody in there?" She reached over the table and tried to knock on my head, but I batted her hand away. "The boy is hot."

"And once again, 1) He knows it; and 2) We're roommates. Never gonna happen."

Mia just looked at me. "If I could raise an eyebrow, I would. What do you mean never?"

I put down my lunch with a small sigh. Hopefully it's still warm when this conversation is over. "Mia, come on. We're both in courses that are lasting for three years, maybe more. You tell me how you think we could hook up and then not have to deal with how awkward the aftermath of that would be."

Mia's eyes drifted to something over my shoulder as she contemplated this.

"Besides," I said, crossing my arms on the table, "Who even said that he was interested in me? I mean, I'm not denying that he's good looking because... well, damn."

I laughed slightly.

"There are so many words you could have used there," Mia chimed in, lifting her hand and counting off each finger as she listed possible adjectives. "Hot, sexy, unbearably attractive, makes-me-want-to-rip-my-clothes-off handsome... I mean, the list goes on."

I couldn't help the laugh that burst out of me then. This girl was something else.

"Even still," I reasoned. "There's no possible way that this could happen."

Mia exhaled dramatically and propped her chin in her open palm. "I guess we'll just have to settle for ogling him from afar."

"Not too far, considering I live with the guy."


I picked up my Subway again and was about to take another bite when I noticed Mia's attention drifting off somewhere as she disappeared inside her head.

"You're imagining him, aren't you?" I teased.

"Shirtless is the word that you were missing there, but yes, I was. I mean, Pretty Boy is a..." She trailed off.

"A pretty boy?" I finished with a smile.


"Alright, let's hurry up and finish our food. I want to check out some stuff for uni before I call Cameron."

"Calling it," Mia said in a singsong voice. I glared at her while she giggled and took a massive bite out of her burger.



Hearing my name brought me out of my reverie. I looked up to see Cameron looking at me curiously.

We'd met up with him at Southern Cross and caught the train with Mia, but she stayed on the train while we exited.

"Everything alright?"

He was leaning against the kitchen counter, his right ankle crossed over his left and his arms crossed over his chest. The motion made his muscles more noticeable in the short sleeved white shirt he was wearing.

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