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I forgot to close the curtains before I fell asleep. Goddamnit. I opened my eyes and sat up to go close them, all with the intention of climbing back into bed, but the pounding in my head and immediate nausea swirling through my stomach stopped me in my tracks.

I groaned as I tucked my head between my legs and waited for the feeling to pass. No such luck. It didn't feel like it was going to go away any time soon.

When I felt like I could stand without possibly gagging, I pulled on a pair of shorts - something I should've done last night - before padding out in the kitchen. I pulled my hair out of its ponytail, hoping it relieved some of the pressure in my head.

I took a seat at the island and rested my chin in my hands, taking a peek at the clock hanging on the wall.

Almost 11 am.

Cameron would be in class right now. Thank god. I don't know how I could face him after what happened last night. I still don't really understand what happened last night.

I mean, I left because he was being an ass - among other things. And when I came back, his tone seemed somewhat regretful, but he never actually apologised. But then... god, I didn't even know what to think. The touching, but the words he said... I'm just so confused. What was he doing? And when he compared the sounds we made? I felt disgusted and degraded, I've never been compared to another girl in the sex department before - mostly because I've never done it - but I didn't realise just how low it would make me feel. But what did he mean by that? I didn't even want to think about it anymore.

I turned my gaze to the fridge, wondering if I should make myself something for breakfast, but the thought of putting anything in my mouth at all brought back the sick feeling in full.

Oh my God, the pancakes.

My gaze swiveled to where I'd left the pan cooking on the stove last night, expecting to see charred pancakes, possibly a massive while on the wall that I had somehow missed. But there was nothing. The pan was nowhere to be seen, the spatula was back in its jar by the sink and the counter was completely spotless. Cam must have cleaned it up after I walked away.

Turning away, I headed back into my room to grab my phone and saw that it was blowing up with messages from Mia. Bypassing most of them, I called her number and she picked up immediately.

"Blake! Oh my god! Why weren't you answering my messages?"

"I just woke up," I replied, and I heard her sigh in annoyance.

"Dude, I asked you to text me when you got home! When I woke up and didn't see a message I started freaking out, I was thinking that maybe you never made it home, or your Uber turned out to be some psycho Ted Bundy reincarnation who—"

"Mia!" I said, laughing at her ramblings.

"This isn't funny, Blake!"

I quieted my laughing. "I know, I'm sorry. I just... I had a weird moment with Cam when I got home and I just wanted to sleep it off."

Mia let out something that sounded like a scream mixed with... God knows what kind of animal that sounded like.

"Okay! I'm still pissed at you but I need to know what happened. I want every detail."

I pulled my phone away from my ear to glance at the time. Shit. It was getting closer to 12, and Cam would be finishing class soon.

"Can we talk about it in person? I feel kind of weird talking about this over the phone."

I heard Mia inhale a breath before she responded, but anything she was going to say was cut off by the sound of a door slamming and then something crashing on her end of the line.

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