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"I think I'm going to join a boxing gym."

Mia half chokes on her food beside me. We're sprawled on her bed watching Netflix while stuffing our faces with the fish and chips I picked up on my way over.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asks once she's recovered.

"A boxing gym. You know, punching bags, fitness classes."

"Yeah, I know what it is. You just brought it up out of nowhere is all."

That was true. But my mind had kind of drifted once we moved on to the next episode of our Gilmore Girls marathon. You know, the one where Lorelai cancels on Max because Babette's cat dies?

I shrugged. "I've just been thinking about it a little bit. I used to take a class back home and I miss doing it. Besides, I've been going a little stir crazy being cooped up in that apartment with nothing to do."

"Oh no, you're on mid-year break and have nothing to do except sit around your apartment with your hot-ass roommate. What a shame."

I rolled my eyes. "You know what I mean. I just feel like I should be doing something other than--"

I was cut off by the sound of Luke yelling from the living room. Mia had bought him a new game for his birthday, but if the annoyance on her face was any indication, she was coming to regret it.

"Luke! Shut it!"

The yelling continued for another few seconds before it steadily quieted and we continued our conversation.

"You were saying?"

I sighed. "I'm bored, Mia. Uni's all well and good, but we don't start our camps until next year, and as much as I love spending time with Cam, it's getting a little hard not being able to act on how I feel for him."

Mia pondered what I said for a minute. "Then move on."

Now it was my turn to choke. "What?"

"Blake, you know that I've been the number one supporter of this relationship since the beginning, and I have no doubt that Cam really does care for you." She paused. "But what he's doing isn't right."

I opened my mouth, not really knowing what would come out, but Mia shushed me.

"I know you like him hon, but he outright told you that he doesn't want to change. Even after you told him how you felt. And then he pulls that stunt with Kaidan? How long are you going to wait for him, Blake? He wants you but he's not letting himself have you. Apparently, he's not letting anyone else have you either. When are you going to see how wrong that is?"

I could tell that she wasn't finished, and part of me wondered how long she'd been holding onto these thoughts. I probably would've asked when a loud smash from the living room caught our attention. It sounded like glass shattering.

Mia looked furious. "Luke, what--"

Another yell sounded from the living room, but this one was cut short when an older, deeper voice joined in.

"Oh, no."

Mia's face was leached of all colour, and she bolted to her bedroom door, seeming to remember my presence at the very last second. A mixture of horror and panic coated her features.

"Blake, I'm so sorry."

I felt my brows furrow in confusion. "Why are you apologising? What's going on?"

"Just stay here. Please." She reached for the door handle. "And don't pay too much attention to what you hear."

The last part sounded like a bit of an afterthought.

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