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"What time are you going to be home tonight?" Cam asks as I pack my gym bag.

His arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against my door frame.

"Probably around the same time as last time."

"Are you sure you should go tonight? You were sore as buggery after your last session."

I zip up my bag before sitting on my bed and reaching for my shoes.

"Careful, Cam. It almost sounds like you care."

I winked at him with a grin before returning to my laces.

"I do care. That's why I'm bringing this up. I just don't want you to overdo it and hurt yourself."

"I know that you care," I replied, looking up to meet his warm eyes. "And don't worry, I'll be fine. Once my body gets used to the training I'll be as good as new."

Cam doesn't blink. "You should give your body time to get used to the training."

I stared back at him. "I took the last two days off of training, that's enough of a break."

He just rolled his eyes at me, but I could see the amusement in the lines of his face. "It's all or nothing with you, isn't it?"

"You know it, babe."

He swiped a hand over his face and turned to head back into the living area. "Just text me when you're on your way home. And don't push yourself!"

"No promises!" I call back as I make my way to the front door. "And you'd better save me some Chinese. I know that you and the boys are pigging out as soon as I'm gone."

"No promises," Cam reiterates, laughing at my frown. "Now get lost, Forthy, you're going to be late."

I curse as I look down at my watch and realise I had less than ten minutes to get to the gym. I scowled as Cam's laughter followed me down the hall.


I had all but sprinted to A-Game but I knew that I was still going to be late. That was only confirmed when I opened the door to hear David's coaching and the following groans by the participating members as they practiced their mitt work.

"Hey Kesha," I whispered.

She smiled quickly at me before I raced into the locker room, making quick work of dumping my bag and grabbing my gear before heading out into the main area.

"You're late," David said without even turning his head.

"I know, I'm sorry," I replied, wrapping my hands. "It's a long story involving leftover Chinese and... actually it's not that long of a story after all."

"Just get in the ring."

I slide my gloves on. "Right."

David followed me into the ring with a pair of focus mitts on his hands. We began sparring as soon as he was ready. David came at me with strike after strike as I worked on my defence and footwork. I controlled my breathing as he called out different combinations for me to attack with. Twenty minutes had never felt so long as we worked our way around the ring. I was getting tired, and narrowly missed a strike at my head before David's booming voice called for an uppercut followed by a hook.

"Keep your elbow up," he demanded.

Any control I had over my body was now gone. My breathing was coming heavily and it took all I had to block David's jab toward my ribs before I answered his call for a countering cross.

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