To Start:

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Welcome :)

I wanted to make an introduction in order to get this book placed in y'all's reading lists and libraries and to get a little more information about it to you <3

Here is a little bit about this book:

-It will be written from the males perspective.

-It will have approximately 30 chapters. *

-It is a spin on the classic cliche.

-The first chapter will be uploaded on Friday, November 16th. *

-The rest of the chapters have not yet been set to a scheduled update, but keep your eyes peeled for a calendar of approximate updates.

-I'm also going to be doing a new thing where I follow and shout-out a new user every chapter.

Also, just so you all know, this book will have a lot of cussing and will talk about sex rather frequently. It does not slut-shame, but the main character is a 'player' and therefore there will be instances of rather disrespectful conversation. Just a warning!!

I hope you guys are just as excited for this story as I am! When I wrote the outline I started to get giddy to write this and hear y'all's reactions. I think it's going to be a good one :)

I'll see you back here November 16th!! *

* subject to change

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