Chapter Seven

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Thank you ThatRandomKlutz13 for the cover attached! You did a fantastic job :)

Chapters 7-8 were posted! This is my early Christmas gift to y'all ;)

His Game: Chapter Seven

I pull into Dino's vast driveway and make my way to the basement where he and Roger already are waiting for me to provide them with an update of the game. They came over straight after school, but I had to drop my sister off at home and trade the van for my motorcycle.

Like I said, I like the van, but not as a full time ride. If it weren't for my sister and the potential fun I could have in it with Joey, I'd never drive that thing.

"Aye Calvetti, took you long enough," Dino says as I descend the steps into the basement.

I roll my eyes, "Had to trade in the van for my Cruiser, and you live out in the middle of nowhere. Now pass me a beer," I mutter, sitting down on my bar stool.

Through the years, we've sat in these same exact seats at this bar. When we were little, we'd pretend to make ourselves drinks but really only mix different sodas together. Now, we actually do (illegally) make ourselves drinks in the same spots we did as kids. Roger and I next to one another with Dino on the other side serving it all up.

If he doesn't make it to college, he'll be a great bartender.

At the same time I ask for the beer, Dino's dad comes walking down the steps, but I don't freak out. His dad condones the drinking as long as we stay safe. He walks towards the bar as he adjusts the gold chain around his neck, landing comfortably on the open part of his chest since he never buttoned his shirt up all the way, and then runs a hand delicately over his slicked back hair.

He's the classic Italian Father if there ever was one.

Roger glances at me while taking a sip of his own drink.

"Don't you have a date tonight?"

I glance at him and hold my hand out to Dino for the beer with a shrug, "Yeah, so what?"

Dino's dad, Stefano, speaks up as he walks around the bar to make himself a drink.

"Rhett," he starts, pulling out a glass for himself. If you think Dino has a thick accent, just wait until you hear his dad. "You know my rule. I don't care if you drink, but don't be stupid and do it if you have to drive later in the night," he scolds as he nearly fills his glass with bourbon, putting a dollop of soda in with it.

Then he pulls out a second cup and fills it with only soda, sliding it across the bar to me. "There, so you at least have something."

I let out a small huff but take the soda with no questions asked, "Yes sir."

He lifts his cup to me and smiles, throwing in some ice before going back upstairs.

"What is it your parents do again, Dino?" I ask after watching Stefano leave.

He shrugs, "Something that makes us rich."


"Eh," he says, finishing the last of his beer before grabbing another from the fridge.

Roger spins his bar stool to face me and smirks, "So, am I crazy or did I hear Joey-"

"Josephine," Dino corrects him and we both turn our heads to face him. He throws his hands up, "I told you's I refuse to picture that fine piece of ass as Joey Tribbiani."

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