Chapter Ten

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A big thank you to BellMaddie for this awesome cover!

I've got a bunch of open chapters to put y'all's covers, make sure to send me some! :))

This is a very short chapter, my apologies.

His Game: Chapter Ten

The next day, I don't see Joey until the last bell rings. Her bike wasn't here this morning when I pulled in, and I didn't see her at her locker between classes at all. At the end of the day, however, I catch sight of her strawberry hair as I step outside.

I'm only a few steps behind her, jogging for a second to catch up to her before she reaches her bike.

Last night, I couldn't stop thinking about Dino and Roger both getting on me for not kissing her yet. I will admit, this is the first time it has ever been so difficult to kiss a girl. Most of them play the game just to get the chance to kiss me, and so far I can't find her reasoning for playing.

If she really wanted me to fall in love, she'd have kissed me by now. Right?

"Joey!" I call as she reaches her bike. I swerve between two football players and jog the last few steps to her.

She stops upon hearing her name and turns, eyeing me up and down before a sly smile slips onto her face. I give the same grin as I reach her and step in close, forcing her to lean slightly against her motorcycle to look up at me.

"Hey Punk."

I narrow my eyes slightly at the name, but shake it off and instead stick to my plan for finally getting that damn kiss.

"No one's home tonight," I say lowly, raking my eyes over her body, "come over."

She quirks a brow, "I didn't hear a please." I snap my eyes back to hers, and she smirks. "Manners, Rhett."

I shift my attention to her ruby red lips, making her strawberry hair stand out against her brown eyes, and slowly bite down on my lip. "Please come over," I emphasize.

She grins, "Well now that you've asked so nicely," she says in a low voice, pulling her body away from the bike to lean into mine, moving her lips closer to mine but refusing to let them touch. I can feel her cool breath hitting mine, and I swear I stop breathing for a second. "I'd love to," she says, and then pulls fully away and mounds her bike.

Talk about a goddamn tease.

I shake away the shock she put me in and focus back on her as she puts her helmet on.

"Come over at seven," I say.

She revs her engine and glances at me, "Eight."

She drives off before I can rebuttal. Leaving me literally standing in the dust. I'm only broken from my daze when I hear footsteps awkwardly close to me and I shift my head to see Kelly walking to me with a smirk.

"I told you to be careful," she says.

I snort, "I don't play this game carefully, Kelly."

"You should with her."

I scowl at her, "I don't need to play careful."

"She's already winning, Rhett."

"Bullshit," I scoff. "And I'm getting really tired of everyone saying I'm going to lose. I have no romantic feelings towards her."

"Maybe not, but even I didn't leave you that speechless," Kelly says with a small shrug.

I roll my eyes and let out a small huff of annoyance. "Look. She's different, I've admitted that. But the only difference is that I want her more than the others."

Kelly quirks a brow and goes to say something, but I hold up a finger.

"I want her body more than the others. She's a tease, and a damn good one at that."

I hear Kelly sigh and then shrugs again, glancing in the direction Joey left. "You may be right. She could just be another girl."

"She is," I exasperate.

"I heard she made you watch Jeopardy."

"I cannot tell Dino anything..." I mutter to myself, then focus my attention back on Kelly. "Yeah, what's the big deal? Girls have done weirder things to try and win me over."

She chuckles and shakes her head at me, "No girl is going to show you Jeopardy with the intent to make you fall for them. Joey did that because she felt like watching it and didn't care if you wanted to or not."

I cross my arms from boredom and shrug, giving her a look that says 'okay, so what?'

"You say she's different, and that's why."

I snort, "Because she likes game shows? Yeah, okay." I laugh, uncrossing my arms and pulling my keys from my pocket as I start towards my motorcycle. "I'll see you around, Kelly. But let me handle my game my own way, okay?"

She puts her hands up in surrender and walks off, and I don't even give her words a second thought.

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