Chapter 2

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I've been in the truck with Will for 2 hours! What is taking so long to get to this "base" I can't listen to the radio or anything all I can do is stare at the window but as I was watching things go by my eyes got really heavy and then my vision went black...
Will P.O.V
I watched Darbie go asleep as she was staring at the window and she is something I know that. Her cousin talks about her all the time and I see why though..but I wonder how she will react when she sees what we are dragging her into..
I almost blew Ironhides cover when she turned on the radio...I yelled at her and she just laidback..that's something's been 2 hours and we got another hour to get to the base..she's so peaceful when she's sleeping...maybe she'll give us peace with the Decepticons
Ironhide: So this is Darbie...
Ironhide scares me when he speaks through the radio
Will: Yes this is Darbie
Ironhide: Well she's something else than I expected..
Will: What you mean?
Ironhide: The way James was talking about she doesn't seem feisty at all
Will: Oh I know!
Ironhide: She seems like a angel
Will: Uh huh
As I stare at her as she sleeps she starts to wake up and I quickly tell Ironhide to shh! As she wakes up and she stretches and smiles at me
Darbie: Well where are we now
Will: We are about to be there so hang in there..
I was patting the steering wheel to tell Ironhide to speed it up a little and then she asked me that question that I hope that she didn't ask
Darbie: I'm not sure if I was dreaming but were you talking to the radio or something Bc I heard voices
Will: Oh you were definitely dreaming
Darbie: Oh..okay
And she smiles and looks back at the window..
Ironhide P.O.V
Well that was a close one...I mean she will soon find out right? Because knowing the others they'll be wanting to get to know her and heck! I wanna get to know her! I mean look at her! She looks friendly and a person that you can trust..I heard Wills phone ring and the way he sounded did not sound well
On the phone
Will-Hello?...Yes I got her! Oh? What?!?! Why?!?! Is he okay?!?! Okay I'll be there as soon as possible! I'm almost there! Okay bye!
He sounds very concerned...
Darbie looks at him very concerned
Whats going on?!?!
Darbie P.O.V
Well that call must been important
Darbie: Everything okay?
Will: Mhmm
Darbie: Umm..sry but I know your lying so your gonna tell me
Will: Says who?
That really got my blood boiling
Darbie: Excuse me! I'm being dragged into the army! I can't go back to school! I'm stuck in a truck with you! And I promise if my cousin talks about me being something that I don't wanna be..well let's just say it's not pretty at the end!
Will looks kinda scared but then I can tell he's wanting to talk
Will: of our soldiers got wounded today by...Ill tell you soon as we get there but he's a really good friend of mine...
Uhh! I'm tired of waiting!
Darbie: Oh okay well are we getting close because I really wanna know the "Big" secret
Will: Oh it's big alright
And he pats the steering wheel and laughs and I just roll my eyes and sit back...
Will: We're here Darbie!
And we go to the army base and it's huge! I already love it!
Darbie: Wow! It's huge!
I heard Will smirk
Will: Well.. let's get your stuff
And I get out of the truck and go Ahead and get my stuff out and then I felt a tap on my shoulder and...
It's my cousin! And he grabs me and hugs me
Darbie: James!!!
James: Oh I missed you little cuz!
Darbie: Me too!
And we hugged again but that question came into my head...why?
Darbie: So what am I doing here?
He paused and look at Will
James: You did not tell her!
Will: I did not know sir! If I was supposed to wait for you sir!
I start to laugh at Will he looks like a little kid trying to not get in trouble for stealing a cookie from the cookie jar
I'm still waiting a answer!
Darbie: James! Will! What am I doing here!
James guided me and start to talk to me about a war and how they have big help and who they are fighting all the time called the decepticons..
Darbie: Okay so who is the decepticons again?
Then I felt my feet shake from underneath me and I thought we were having a earthquake or something then I heard a low deep voice that gave me chills and it came from the behind me and I slowly turned around and I seen a GIANT ROBOT! And I was about to scream! Until Will covered my mouth
James: Darbie...I would like you to meet my friend...Optimus Prime
Optimus: The decepticons are our worst enemy that tries to destroy your planet but we will not let them do what they did to our home planet..
I'm very light headed and I can feel my heart beat at the bottom of my feet and then everything went black...

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