Chapter 76

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Darbie P.O.V
Megatron was wanting me to pick between them! and i couldn't do that i was wanting to die and then i felt a terrible pain and everything went black and all i remember is looking at Optimus blue eyes...
I wake up with everything white around me
i started walking around which feels like i'm going in circles..
i came up to this door and when i reaches to the knob i heard his voice calling me out
i stopped and looked for his voice...
but he wasn't there i went to go reach for it again and then that voice came and it stopped me where i was at..
when she came closer my eyes were blurry for a second and i realized it was my mother...
Darbie:Mom?... sweet child..
Her smile that she gave me was like a cure to all my problems...
i started running to her arms and embraced her with a big hug
Mother:Darbie..what are you doing here! it's not your time yet!
she pulled me away from the hug
Darbie:I don't know mom...i don't even know how i got here...
my mother just stood there with a sad look on her face..
Mother:You need to go back darbie!
Darbie:What if i don't wanna go back...
She went to say something until two very familiar faces pop up
Cliff:Well well if isn't darbie!
i looked at him confused
Tailgate:Damn i missed you!
Mother:Excuse me boys
my mom started laughing acting like she knew them
the boys started laughing
Cliff:Darbie you need to go back...
i looked at him confused thinking where in the hell have i seen y'all before and then it hit me! they were there with primus when i was in the stage of a transformer
Darbie:Oh wait!!! y'all two were the ones that helped me!
Tailgate:Wow i was forgotten that easily huh?
Cliff:Do you not remember when we erase her from remembering us?
Cliff slapped tailgate against the head
Mother:Okay boys stop it! we need to get darbie back before it's too late!
Darbie:What if i don't wanna go back...
they all looked at me weirdly thinking i have bumped my head to hard or something
Mother:Darbie you have to many people that need you and of course you have gotten yourself some mighty competition going on to have you..
Darbie:Exactly!!! i am now megatrons queen! i do not want to go back and watch optimus or bee die in front of me!
then he came..primus came floating down looking disappointed
Primus:Darbie your time here is not ready...why are you here?
Darbie:I don't know..and i don't care! i want to stay!
With that all of sudden primus snapped his fingers and i went flying into what seems like the future
Primus:Look and see what would happen if you do this?
I looked around everything was dust and dark and just plain evil...
i looked around and see the decepticons shooting down something and when i got closer to what they were shooting spark dropped it was the base...the autobot base!! i started running and see that there was nobody there...
where is everyone?
i looked at the building that was just crumbled up that used to be my home...
i was climbing over the mess and saw the picture of james, will and me when i was human
i grabbed it and started to explore...
Primus:Not the base anymore darbie...Megatron order the decepticon to blow up the base..
Darbie:How did he find it?
All of sudden i'm at the decepticons warship seeing all the autobots in chains..
i looked for Optimus but i didn't see him...
I heard someone getting beat and i looked behind me and saw Bee getting punched by Starscream..
Primus:He can't hear you darbie...
i went to say something but i heard someone coming in and i looked...
Knockout:Bee..tell me where is your base..and we might spare your life!
Knockout?... this isn't him...
Bee:I would never tell you!
Knockout:Then you will suffer!
He nodded at Starscream to do something
Starscream slashed bees face and his face started pouring energon...
Primus:The autobots aren't as strong now..
Darbie:What happened Primus?? please tell me??
I looked at bee eyes and all i see is sadness..
when the decepticons left everyone is quiet..
Ironhide:Bee?...are you okay?
Bee:I will never be okay...
Bulkhead:Bee..listen to me..
and tell them
Smokescreen:We can't just tell them Will and James are still there!
Wheeljack:But what if they moved! what if they know everything!? We need to tell them we can't keep letting Bee getting the punishment!
Bee:I deserve it...this is all my fault...
Bee started to cry and the others did too
Ratchet:Stop that! Darbie would not want us to be crying now would she? She be wanting us to fight! and that's what we are going to do!
Ratchet started yelling until one of the decepticons came running to punch Ratchet to tell him to be quiet...
Ratchet:Tell your pathetic leader to come here!
what is he doing?!
Megatron came walking in having a evil smile on him
Megatron:Turns out one of you decided to talk?
Ratchet:Yes...I'll tell you where the base is if you do not harm any of the people in it!
i could hear everyone whispering telling him no don't do it! i looked at megatron and
He was thinking about it...
I looked at Primus and he snapped his fingers and i was seeing myself laying on the floor with a puddle of energon surrounding me...and then i saw Optimus holding me close to him with my lifeless body...
Optimus:Darbie! no no no no! wake up! you can't die on me! not now!
Everyone was surrounding me and the decepticons separated me and optimus and i started to feel cold and weak...
Primus:This is what you choose to do! you chose to die!
Darbie:I didn't know it was gonna end like this!
i fall to my knees in pain and feeling weaker by the minute
then it shows megatron giving orders to take the autobots away and torture them! and then Shockwave...he brainwashed Knockout...he doesn't even remember me and that made me sparkbroken...i looked at Optimus broken eyes and what i saw next scared me for ever..
Optimus:Why Megatron! You had her!
Megatron looked confused..
Megatron:I didn't do this! why would i do this to my queen!
Then Elita came to the picture..
Elita:I did it!..
Optimus came running with his knife and stuck it in Elita...
Optimus:Now lets make sure you are dead this time!
My eyes were wide and shocked that Optimus would do this?...
Primus:Dont you see?...You need to go back! Your the key to ending this war!
Darbie:Primus..just tell me..if i go back will i end up being a queen?
He looked at me and i took it a yes..
Primus:But not to whom you married...
I looked at him and he was gone...
Mother:Darbie! you need to go!
Darbie:I know i just...
Mother:I know baby....
Darbie:I miss you so much mom!
she wrapped me in a hug and was playing with my hair..
Mother:Just know i'm always with you darbie...I'm so proud to call you my daughter...I love you..
This was going to be my last time i see her for awhile and the last time i saw her i didn't tell her goodbye...i wasn't ready to tell her goodbye...I started crying and she wiped away my tear and told me
Mother:End this war darbie...
She kissed my forehead and i soon felt like i was falling into a black hole...
Optimus P.O.V
I was starring at the eyes of my sweet spark and then i heard a gunshot and i watch darbie fall to the ground bleeding to death...
i ran to her side and grabbed her trying to stop the bleeding...
Optimus:Darbie no no no no! please primus no! you can't leave me
Is Darbie really gone?...Please Primus Don't Take Her Away From Me! I Love Her....

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