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There's nothing wrong with Emmet but I wanted him out of New York as fast as possible. If it meant letting him borrow my private jet, I would. As bad as it might sound, Ila's made her decision on not going to court and I didn't want Emmet changing that. Also, she's been sleeping in her apartment rather than here.

The elevator doors opened and I stepped out onto the ground floor. It was lunch time which meant I would find Ila in the kitchen scarfing down food. Like I guessed, there she was, eating with the rest of the gang.

I took a seat next to her and stole one of her fries off her plate. "Hey, I was looking for you."

"Well, you found me." She teased. "Why were you looking for me?"

I revealed a long, orange envelope that was filled thickly and handed it to her. She quickly wiped the grease off of her hands on a napkin and took it, asking, "Is this for me?"

I nodded. Ila examined the package suspiciously, looking for a label that might tell her what might be inside. 

"Matteo, where's mine?" Giovanni asked, already knowing what I had given her.

"I dropped it off in your room before I got here."

"Wow, so she gets the special delivery and I get nothing?" Gio asked, pretending to be hurt. "You've been colder towards me ever since she got here."

I rolled my eyes, "Get a grip of yourself."

There was nothing on the envelope and I was really curious.

"Matteo, can I open it right now?" I asked him.

"Go ahead."

I ripped the sealed orange envelope and peered inside. My eyes widen at what I saw. I was looking at a bunch of Benjamin Franklins, still in their bands.

"What is this for? How much is in here?" I asked.

"Consider this a part of your pay. There should be about 80 thousand dollars."

I peered inside the envelope once again. That was a lot of hundred dollar bills I've ever seen in an envelope.

"You know what this means?" Marcella asked, snatching the envelope to look inside.

"What?" I asked.

"It means body shots off of strangers, making it rain on strippers, and grinding on hookers," Giovanni said. He started dancing with his food-filled spoon in his hand, accidentally flicking food everywhere.

"No." I denied.

"Aw, come on ." Aiden whined, "You haven't gone to any of our clubs yet. It's your first paycheck here. Let's spend it right." Aiden brought his two hands together and made the motion of 'making it rain'.

"To me, spending it right means to pay off my student loans, rent, car payments, and groceries," I said, grabbing my envelope back from Marcella.

"You're in the mafia and you're snagging the leader of it, I'm pretty sure you'll get another chance to pay it all off," Marcella said.

"I rather not see you guys all drunk," I admitted. I've seen them act while they're sober and they were already a handful. Imagining them drunk was already giving me a headache.I looked at Matteo for help.

He shrugged, "I haven't gone clubbing in a while. I'm in."

I frowned. Matteo reached for the last fry on my plate and I smacked his hand away. "Betrayers don't get French fries."

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