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"What are we doing here again?" I asked, staring at the same club we went to last night.

"It wasn't a successful night," Marcella said, gently pushing me from behind towards the building.

"What do you mean "wasn't a successful night"?" I asked. "It was fun."

"Hehe...you admitted you liked it." Marcella smiled.

"Not enough to do it again. I had a major headache this morning and I'm still tired of it."

"Well, suck it up, buttercup," Giovanni said, swinging his arm over my shoulders as he put himself between Marcella and me. His sudden weight almost made me lose balance in my heels. "It's not a success unless I get some. If you really don't want to go back to that club, you and I can go back into the car and we can have ourselves a good fuck."

I was going to take Giovanni's arm off of my shoulders but Matteo, who appeared beside me on my right, did it for me. He quickly replaced Gio's arm with his, pulling me close. His face remained his neutral emotionless facial expression but I knew he didn't like Giovanni's suggestion.

"Look at his face," Giovanni said, pointing at Matteo. "He looks like he needs to get laid too."

Matteo turned to face him, glaring.

"You want to join?" Giovanni asked, giving Matteo his signature joking perverted face. Matteo lifted his arm off of me and reached over to hit Giovanni in the back of the head. "Ow, getting frisky already?"

Matteo and I ignored Giovanni until we reached the club. We walked through the entrance, passing the same bouncer from the night before and cutting the line. Inside, there weren't as many people from the night before. Possibly due to the fact that it was Sunday and people had work in the morning.

We passed the bar and walked through the dance floor to the same VIP section. Aiden and Giovanni sat down on one side of the booth while I sat in the middle, between Matteo and Marcella, on the other. Shot glasses filled with liquor automatically appeared at the table and everyone grabbed one and raised it up. I looked at Marcella who was already looking at me. I knew if I didn't drink, Marcella would find a way to get alcohol in my system. I grabbed a glass, raised it to clink against the others, and drank it.

"Did I just take a shot of Bourbon?" I asked, trying to salivate in order to get rid of the burn. Marcella grabbed another one, leading the rest to do so. "Again?"

"Yup," She said, nodding her head to the drinks to tell me to grab another one.

Reluctantly, I grabbed one and lifted it to my mouth. Halfway to my lips, Matteo grabbed the glass out of my hand and downed it himself. That made it his third shot of Bourbon in less than a minute.

"Thanks," I told Matteo after he finished my drink.

"No problem," he said after clearing his throat, which probably burned. I watched him look past me and his eyebrows lift up, which meant he saw something interesting. I turned my head to see what he was looking at and found my own set of brows going up.

"Emmet, what are you doing here?" I asked, shocked. My brother had finished making his way through the crowd to get to the table. Arriving in front of us, I looked him up and down to make sure I was seeing right. Unfortunately, it was my brother. Looking like a Hollister model, Emmet was wearing their v neck white tee shirt that had their famous seagull logo on the left peck with tan pants and white vans. With his casual outfit, Emmet definitely went overboard cologne that smelled as expensive as the watch on his right wrist. 

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