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"What do you mean we aren't going to get her right now?" Marcella asked. "Matteo, you turn this car around!"

"Marcella, we can't act rationally," I said with no intentions on changing routes.

"Oh, you're the one to talk," She said, sarcastically.

"We can't go storming to Stollo's house with just the four of us who are deprived of sleep," I reasoned.

"Matteo's right," Giovanni said, "Ila's a tough cookie, she can hold out for a while longer."

I don't think I can continue on for much longer. I remembered being on the floor and getting harshly kicked at but I had no memories of being strapped to a wooden chair. Looking down to my lap, I was still in my bra and underwear. I could see cuts and bruises forming at my sides and down my legs. There were also pains that I couldn't see such as the swelling of my left eye and the sharp jabbing of my ribs that I believed to be broken.

Judging by how cold the basement had gotten, it must have been night already. I had spent a day here and it looks like I was going to be staying the night. In response to the temperature change, my body instinctively shivered. I tried to refrain myself from shaking and chattering my teeth since I could physically feel my energy draining. I later found out that trying to stop myself from trembling would be just as exhausting. This must really be hell, I thought, there's no such thing of relief here.

At the brink of passing out, I felt something soft drape over me. I focused my gaze to see that I was covered by a blanket. Am I a wizard like Harry? I looked up, wondering where the blanket had magically appeared from and flinched. It was one of the men from earlier who had beaten me up after Stollo's command.

"Thank you," I said, out of habit.

"Don't thank me," he said.

I realized what situation I was in, "Sorry".

"Don't apologize either."

"Look, I don't know exactly what to do anymore," I said, beginning my rant, "I don't know anything. If I did, I think I would have told you. No matter how bad that sounds to Il Bisbiglio but I would have spilled everything. I desperately want to get out of here. I don't want to die. Not like this, I don't. A-a-and if I ever get out of here, I'm not going back to Matteo and them. This is insane. You guys are all insane! The drugs, the money, the murders, it's all crazy. Crazy! Do you not process what situation I'm currently in? I'M FUCKING HALF NAKED AND TIED IN A CHAIR INSIDE A BASEMENT BEING TORTURED BY A GANG MEMBER BECAUSE I JOINED A MAFIA! They told me that I should learn how to shoot a gun. IF I KNEW HOW TWISTED YOU SONS OF A BITCHES ARE, I WOULD HAVE AND THEN I WOULD HAVE DONE THIS WORLD A FAVOR AND SHOOT YOU GUYS!"

I stopped rampaging with my words to catch my breath. The guy who stood in front of me was still and silence fell until I opened my mouth again. Unlike my voice before, my voice was small and raspy.

"What am I saying? I'm here pretending to hate you and your mafia but at this very moment, I'm just feeling regret. I regret helping Matteo that night. I regret following him when I saw him. I regret joining. I should have just listened to my mom and asked my brother for help and take my case to court. I-f you guys are planning to kill me, please let me tell my family that I love them."

Tears spilled as I thought of my family. I imagined their worried, concerned, heart-broken faces. I wouldn't want to go without saying goodbye to them. If I died right now, I'd be missing a lot.  I'd never see Emmett fall in love and get married, see Mom and Dad playing with grandchildren, or ever feel their embraces again. I tried to stray my mind from thinking about my personal future. I didn't want to think if I'd ever get married, have kids of my own, and host parties myself because, in the back of my mind, it all went back to Matteo. I must have gotten mentally messed up. After all I've been through, I was still thinking about him. I don't what to think anymore.

The man finally decided to say something, "The boss isn't planning to kill you."

"Then what am I still doing here?" I asked, "What are you guys planning to do to me?"

"Stollo wants to use you as bait, hoping maybe Il Bisbiglio will come and get you."

"I'd like to believe they will, but they won't," I said. I remembered what Matteo told me when I first started my self-defense training. "They don't come after their own members who get caught, whether it's from the police or from enemies. So, please. Please just let me go. I won't run to the police or anything. I'll convince Matteo to stop whatever is going on between his and Stollo's mafia. Please, just let me go!"

He stepped closer and reached his hand at one of the ropes that bind my hands to the arm of the wooden chair. He hesitated and pulled away.

"No, please. Please untie me." I begged.

He shook his head, "You're still an Il Bisbiglio and your mafia killed my closet friends."

He began to walk away and I screamed after him, pleading him to help me. He didn't look back once. He closed the door behind him, leaving with every once of hope I had left.


"We found Ila's location," I said, informing the curious members of my mafia that gathered in the meeting room.

"Where is she?" Leo asked.

"She's about three cities away, I have the address on my phone," Marcella answered.

"We are going to get her in 2 days," I revealed my plan.

"Two days?" Marcella asked.

"Matteo, that's too long. There's no guaranteed they'll keep her alive for that long."

"Wrong. Knowing Stollo, she'll be kept as bait."

"Then wouldn't you be doing exactly what he wants you to do?" Kianzo questioned.

"Yes and that's why I need two days," I explained, "I don't want to sneak Ila from under his nose to get her back. I want Stollo to know that I got her back and I want him to regret it.  If anything, I want it to be his last thought. I want him to know he was wrong to hold Ila and that he's going to pay for it."

"I say that's a waste of time," Aletta said.

Giovanni nodded. "I agree with Aletta. We should go, grab Ila, and shoot up the place."

"No, I mean that she's a waste of our time," Aletta corrected. "Who cares about her? She's just the doctor. We can get a new one. Maybe this time we'll hire a male doctor, someone who knows how to do their job correctly. Someone who knows how to actually fight. The weak always dies first, it's about time that she-"

"You fucking bitch!" Marcella yelled.

I pushed past people to get to Aletta. With one hand, I grabbed the collar of her shirt. I lifted my free hand into the air and with my palm opened, I brought it down onto her face.

"Get the fuck out," I said, looking down at Aletta. She was clutching her face and I felt no sympathy towards her. "I suggest you shut the fuck up and go before I lose it."

This chapter glitched, it published without the last POV of Matteo. I'm republishing this chapter, please tell me if you can see where Matteo slaps Aletta.

Please show much love 💕

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