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"Why do you always have to do that?" Marcella asked Giovanni, questioning his sense of humor.

"What do you mean, Marcella? Men can get breast cancer, too."

Marcella rolled her eyes, done with him.

"I didn't get to pick," Ila explained, answering Marcella's original question. "By the time I got my phone back, Aurelio texted that to Charlotte."

"She believes it," said the doctor.

I fed Ila another spoon, making sure not to spill anything. Even though I was feeding her, I felt as if I was being ignored. She hasn't made eye contact with me and her body was weirdly shifted away.

After swallowing, Ila asked, "Have you told her about Il Bisbigilio?"

"Nope. Have you told your parents?" Dr. Montello asked.

"No, that wouldn't be a good idea," Ila nervously chuckled.

"They'll have a heart attack, I bet, if they figured out you and the leader of Il Bisbiglio are dating." The doctor laughed at the thought.

I sighed, wishing he didn't say that, and looked at Ila. She was looking at her empty bowl, forcing up chuckles.

"He he he," Ila said, uncomfortably. "Anyways, it looks like I'm done with my food. I should go back and rest, I'm pretty exhausted."

"You might want to brush your teeth first," Dr. Montello suggested.

"Woah," Aiden said, sounding shocked, "Are you a dentist too?"

"I'm not."

Aiden was still confused and questioned, "Then, why did you tell her to brush her teeth?"

"For regular hygiene purposes," the doctor explained, sounding confused as to why Aiden would ask the question in the first place.

"Oh, okay. Are you going to brush my teeth for me?"

Dr. Montello frowned, "No."

"There's a bunch of toothbrushes in the bottom cabinet, under the sink, that you can choose from," Quinten yelled from the living room, loud enough for me and Matteo to hear from inside the bathroom.

Matteo crouched down, opened the cabinet that Quinten had described, and pulled out one toothbrush. It was colored black. Matteo added a strip of toothpaste onto the white bristles at the end.

"I-I can brush my teeth by myself," I said, trying to get myself out of the possible awkward situation.

"Please," Matteo smirked, "You barely could feed yourself."

"That was weird enough and now you have to brush my teeth," I complained.

"I can call Giovanni to do it for you," Matteo suggested.

I instantly opened my mouth for him to brush my teeth. Matteo chuckled, placing his hand on my chin to stable me, and began at it. Just like when I go to the dentist, I didn't know where to look. My eyes strayed away to the wall behind him, the mirror, and the paintings that were hung up above the toilet. In my peripheral vision, I could see Matteo staring into my avoiding eyes.

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