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"Red light," I said, pointing to the traffic light that had turned from yellow to red.

"I don't care," Herman said. He accelerated rather than slowing down. He quickly got us out of the intersection, cutting cars off and making them jolt to a halt. I frowned, my silent disagreement went with the honking of the angry drivers who had barely avoid hitting us.

"Next time, let me drive, eh?" I said. Herman only smirked at my remarked and continued driving, unsafely. I shook my head and looked outside my passenger window. I saw a familiar guy in the driver seat and couldn't pinpoint where I've seen him. "Herman, you know that guy? I felt like I've seen him somewhere."

Herman glanced out my window as I sat back in my seat to give him a clear view. "I think that's Matteo's cousin, Adrian... Aiden... something like that. Who else is in the car?"

"I don't know. The rest of the windows are too tinted. You think they coming to our den?"

"Maybe, let's get there before they do," Herman said, pressing down on the accelerator.

"We're not going to get there before them if we get pulled over by the police," I said.

"Who said I was going to stop for them?" Herman asked.

I shook my head, chuckling at his wild spirit. I couldn't help but feel anxious. There was an uneasy, unsettling feeling forming at the pit of my stomach.

Stollo stood in front of me for the second time of my unpleasant stay. With him stood about 10 people. My anxiety ran high as I mentally prepared myself for what the ten people in the room could possibly do to me. My nails itched at the armrest of the chair, engraving scratches in the wood. They were gathered around Stollo, talking with hushed voices and occasionally glancing at me. After their discussion ended, some of the people exited the room while others walked towards me with Stollo.

"You served your purpose," Stollo said, stopping right in front of me.

"Huh?' I asked, unsure of what he meant.

"I could have killed you the second you got here, but I kept you alive. Upon giving information, you were useless. However, using you as bait was a great plan," Stollo explained. "My men told me they spotted your friends driving in the direction to here with about five other cars."

My ears perked up. Was I hearing right? Matteo coming for me?

"Yet, that makes me wonder. Looking at you and listening to your claims made me really confused upon understanding the situation I am in. You're a doctor in organized crime who only help the wounded criminals in your famiglia and does not take part in selling illegal drugs and weaponry. Tell me, why would they come for you? Why would they come if they can so easily replace you?"

"I believe that I'm a good friend to the members of Il Bisbiglio," I answered.

"I find that hard to believe. You think they care enough to come and risk dying to rescue you because you are just a good friend? We are mafia people. Our morals are different. Although, I can think of a reason as to why they decided to come. Perhaps you know something that they didn't want to get out?"

"I don't," I said.

"I knew you were going to say that. Doesn't matter now. They can come, but I'm prepared for them. It's what I wanted," Stollo smirked. He turned around to the people standing behind him and spoke into Italian. He left the room with the majority of the people. Stefan and a woman stayed behind. Stefan began to untie the ropes around my feet while the woman pointed a gun to my head. I stared at the gun that was held inches away from my face and moved my gaze to the holder. She was the first female I've seen since hostage. Envy sparked within me as I examined her. She was fully clothed in a black shirt with dark colored jeans, standing tall with her black heels. Her skin was olive, one shade all over. From where she stood, I could smell the clean fragrance of peaches. I looked down at myself, since I was already putting myself down mentally, and saw everything I that the woman in front of me wasn't.

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