Chapter 6: Afterglow

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You climb into the perfectly turned down bed where Tyler is waiting for you. His arm is extended, inviting you to curl up by his side. You rest your head on his chest and start to trace the lines of his tattoo on his arm. The room is quiet. The silence makes you happy as you concentrate on his breathing. Tyler's fingers are twirling in your hair and you both are so content. "I never do this." You broke the silence with a chuckle. You feel Tyler shift as he looks down at you. "Do what? Sex?" You laugh at his response. "No, no, I never fuck the first day I meet someone." "Does that make me special?" He asked while tapping your arm. You look up at him and smile. He is special. So special. You lean up and kiss his lips and then settle back into his arms.

You catch yourself beginning to drift off to sleep. Tyler is lightly snoring and you look over at his face buried in the pillow. You kiss his shoulder and slip out of bed to go to the bathroom. You see your phone sitting on the sink. 31 text messages fill your screen, all from Sam and your cousin asking how things were going. One text from Sam actually said that she heard you screaming and couldn't believe how long you were going. You cover your eyes in embarrassment and hear rustling in the bed behind you. "Babe come back to's too early." Tyler's groggy voice comes from the other room. You peak your head out and smile. "Just going to the bathroom, be back soon." He shakes his head to let you know that he understands and then rolls back over to bury his head in the pillow. You look in the mirror over the sink and smile. You were glowing. You've never glowed like this before. It was insane. You went to the bathroom and then made your way back to bed. You climb under the covers and turn the opposite way of Tyler, to your surprise you feel his arm reach across you and pull you closer to him. You hold his arm as you begin to drift back to sleep.

9:00 am is what the clock read. You opened your eyes and were startled by the bang that initially woke you up. Tyler was still snoring and you couldn't see past the bright sunlight shining through the room. "Fuck," you said aloud. You threw the cover off of you and slipped out of bed. You realized you weren't wearing pants and you hustled around the room looking for Tyler's sweats. You finally find them once you remember that they never made it on your body and they were still in the bathroom. The loud bang happens again and you realize it's someone knocking on the door. You shuffle towards it and open it while combing through your hair with your fingers. It's Sam. "Y/N, we have breakfast reservations in an hour what are you doing?" she yelled while pushing through the room. "Let's go we have to get you ready." She starts to gather your things and stops and looks at Tyler who's still sleeping. "What the fuck happened to his eye?" She almost yells. "'re going to wake him. He got into a fight last night...with that guy from the club." Sam's jaw dropped and she was silent. "You have a professional hockey player not only falling all over you but fighting LITERALLY fighting for you? God damn your life is amazing." She starts to turn away to gather the rest of your things but then stops and faces you, "How was it?" She asks eagerly. "I could ask you the same thing." You say while taking your shoes and purse from her hands. She smiles and turns on her heels "Touche, we both don't fuck and tell." You chuckled and caught yourself before waking Tyler, but it was too late. "Well, morning beauties." Tyler rolled over and sat up looking at the both of you. His bedhead was adorable and you just wanted to curl back up with him but you had to be at this breakfast with your cousin.

"Seguin, I have to head to breakfast with the bridal party." You say while throwing his hoodie back at him. He pouts his lip and looks at you with puppy dog eyes. "No, no don't do that to me," you say while rolling your eyes. He crosses his arms and looks up at you. "Okay fine, but can we all meet up after? We need a little pool time in our lives." You and Sam both agree that he was right. "Okay, I'll text you after breakfast." You say while walking to his side of the bed, you brush his hair back from his face and he looks up at you. "How's this feel?" You run your finger over his eye and he winces. "I've had worse." He chuckles. You lean down to kiss his lips and he smiles. "Later babe, enjoy breakfast...oh and here!" He throws the hoodie back at you and winks. "Keep it, it's all yours." You smile and grab Sam's hand as you exit his hotel room.

"You are fucking glowing. His dick must be magic." Sam exclaimed the minute you two walked into your room. Frank was packing the rest of his things. He shook his head at Sam's comment and smirked: "I've always heard Seguin had a magic dick." He zips his bag up and winks at you. He kisses Sam on the forehead and nodded goodbye to you before he left the room. You and Sam exchange excited glances "Was his dick magic?" You asked while laughing. "Oh you have no idea," Sam replied with a grin as she laid back in bed and waited as you began to get ready for breakfast. You slip into a black maxi dress with a jean jacket over top. You run the curler through your hair once more and then do some last minute touch-ups on your makeup. You slip your bag around your body and your sandals on your feet and make your way to the hall where you were meeting the rest of the party. You step outside and the rest of the girls stop in their tracks and stare at you. "Well?" Your cousin says while winking at you. You shake your head yes and realize how bright red your cheeks must be. "You're glowing!" one of the girls shout. You cover your face just as you hear a door open and then shut. "Morning ladies...babe." It's Tyler, he leans down and kisses your forehead. "Enjoy breakfast! I'll be at the gym, see you ladies at the pool later." He kisses your lips and then exits the group towards the stairs that led to the gym.

"Babe?" The whole group exclaimed. "NOT A WORD" You yelled at each of them as you covered your face and began to walk towards the elevators. "Is my cousin dating a professional hockey player? Wait till the family hears about this!" You laugh as your cousin starts bragging and then you stop and press the button on the elevator. You look at your reflection on the doors and see the glow that everyone was talking about again. Your smile is shining and you feel like you're floating. The afterglow is real on you, and you love it so much.

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