Chapter 9: Chase

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You parked in your designated spot at the hospital and led Tyler into the entrance where you quickly waved hello to the security guard. "Hi Maggie, can we have a visitor's pass and asap?" You asked while leaning over the front desk. The receptionist knew who you were so she didn't take long to print up the pass with Tyler's name on it. You pulled it off the backing and stuck it to Tyler's shirt then went off towards the right and led him down a long hall filled with elevators. "We need to stop off at my office first, I need to swap out my outfit." You realized that you forgot to change into your work clothes before you left the house but thankfully you always kept a spare outfit in your office. You both waited for the elevators designated for your floor, then stepped in when it arrived. Tyler had been pretty quiet watching you do your thing. You think he's mostly impressed with how many people were waving hello to you as you walked through the lobby. The elevator stopped on the 8th floor and you both quickly stepped off. He followed you down a short hallway where you turned right and entered your office. "Can you shut the door?" You asked him quickly. He did as you told and sat in the chair across from your desk while you pulled black ankle pants, a maroon blouse and a black blazer from behind the closet door. You opened the drawer in your desk and threw black pumps onto the floor.

You quickly begin to pull down your pants when Tyler stood up and turned to face the opposite direction. "Seguin what are you doing? You've seen me naked already." You said while laughing and slipping into your new pants. Tyler's eyebrow raised and he turned back to face you. "You make a valid point." He said while sitting back down. You finished changing and slipped on your pumps, clipped your badge to your blazer and fixed your hair in the mirror hanging on the wall. You checked the time and shook your head. "Okay, let's go we need to get to Chase's room as fast as we can." You grabbed a clipboard off your desk and began to head out of the room towards the elevators again with Tyler close by. You took the elevator to the 15th floor but before you got off you turned to look at Tyler. "Are you okay with this?" You asked raising an eyebrow. Tyler shook his head and went to reach for your hand but the elevator doors opened and you were already making your way out. You stopped at the nurse's station quickly. "Hi Jen, how is he?" You asked while pulling a medical robe from the drawer. You opened the package and began to throw the robe on when you remembered you didn't get Tyler one. You pulled another package out and threw it to him. "Here, you'll need to put this on." Tyler did as you asked. You slipped the mask over your face along with the gloves while the nurses updated you on Chase's condition. "His body went into rejection again last night. The doctor thinks he needs to switch his meds again but it might be too risky this time." The nurse leaned back into her seat trying to conceal the tears that were forming in her eyes.

You felt Tyler's eyes on you and you cleared your throat and began to make your way to Chase's room. On the way, you filled Tyler in. "Chase is 12 years old, he came in here 6 months ago for a heart transplant. He was lucky enough to receive it almost immediately but lately, his body has been rejecting the new heart. Doctors have been changing to a different anti-rejection medication but its still happening. If they don't get this under control he can have a heart attack or maybe worse." You said turning to face Tyler. Tyler's eyes were soft. He could tell how much you cared about this kid. You turned back on your heels and began to proceed to the room where his mother and father were outside talking to the doctor. You stood a distance back to let them finish and so you both didn't hear anything confidential. "Tyler, I didn't bring you here for this but I'm asking in case we don't have time...Chase is a huge hockey fan. My plan this Christmas, if he was well enough was to set up time for him to practice with the Flyers, even maybe drop the puck at a home game. But I'm not so sure he's going to be able to do that anymore." Your voice trailed off as you tried to hide the fact that you were getting choked up. "If you could just come in...and meet him. Maybe talk some hockey? Play some NHL 18 with him? You can say no but I just..." "I'll do it. Of course." without letting you finish Tyler answered. You reached for his arm and squeezed it. "Thank you." You turned back to see if the doctor was finished and saw Chase's parents waiting for you to walk over.

You slipped your mask off your face and smiled, "Mr. and Mrs. Carol, how are things going?" Your sad voice turned to cheerful quickly. "Y/N, it's so nice to see you...we thought you weren't in the office today." Mrs. Carol said. "I heard what was going on, I got here as soon as I could and I brought someone to meet Chase." You stepped aside and placed an arm on Tyler's shoulder. "Mr. and Mrs. Carol I'd like you to meet Tyler Seguin, of the..." "Dallas Stars, pleasure to meet you." Mr. Carol finished your sentence. Tyler pulled his mask down and reached a hand out to shake both of Chase's parent's hands. "Pleasure is all mine, I'm happy to be here and hopefully meet your son. I'd like to talk a thing or two with him about the game. Heard he's a big fan." Tyler's smile spread across his face and you felt warm inside. "Chase would love that!" Mrs. Carol said while wiping a tear from her eye. "Thank you Y/N, thank you so much." She said wrapping you in a hug.

You let Chase's parents enter the room first. "I need you to keep all of the stuff on, the robe, gloves, mask...Chase can't have any outside germs infecting him." You explained to Tyler. "Got it, keep everything on. Will do." Tyler smiled and kissed your forehead before slipping his mask over his mouth. You both approached the door and heard Mrs. Carol talking to Chase. "Chase, Y/N came in the office to see you today...and she brought a friend." You heard Chase's excitement when his mom told him you were in the office but he got even louder hearing you brought someone with you. "Hey, bud!" You exclaimed while entering the room. "I thought you'd want to meet my friend, Tyler Seguin." Tyler stepped out from the side of the curtain that hung by Chase's bed and Chase jumped to his knees on his bed. "No way is that really Tyler Seguin?" He exclaimed. "In the flesh," Tyler replied, reaching his knuckles out for a fist bump. "How do I know you're really Tyler Seguin?" He asked. Tyler looked at you raised his eyebrow. "You can move your mask real quick, just stay back here." You instructed, making sure Tyler didn't pass you to get closer to Chase. He shook his head and pulled the mask down slowly. Chase's eyes lit up and he jumped out of bed. "No way!" Tyler smiled and slipped his mask back on. "Mind if we chat about the game?" He asked while pulling up a chair next to Chase's bed.

You stood back and watched Tyler and Chase talk about hockey and then quickly move to verse each other in NHL 18. Chase's parents held each other as they watched their son happier than ever. Your heart was breaking for this boy but you were so happy that you could make his day better. You both stayed for about 2 hours before Chase said that he was getting tired. "Well listen, I'll still be in town tomorrow...maybe Y/N will let me come back to visit?" Tyler asked while turning to look at you. "I think we can make that happen." You replied with a wink at Chase. You both said your goodbyes and began to make your way back to your office, stripping out of the robes, gloves, and masks on your way. You got back to the office and you plopped in the chair by your desk. Tyler shut the door behind him and sat across from you. You kicked your heels off and placed your head in your hands. The room was silent, all you heard was the faint breathing between the both of you. "What you do is amazing." Tyler broke the silence. "What made you want to get into this?" He asked. You slowly looked up at him and sighed. "I've always wanted to help people...before college, I wanted to go into some medical field but I knew I would never be able to stomach it. So...I studied communication. I learned what it's like to work in this kind of field without the medical portion. How to read people and communicate effectively and ethically. I got my masters and then found this opening. I knew I'd never been able to be a nurse or doctor but I never knew this job would be just as hard. You build such a connection with these kids. That moment in there...when Chase's face lit up...that's what I live for. Just a small moment to make a sick kid forget that they're sick." Your voice broke with the last word and Tyler reached over to take your hand, he gave it a squeeze and smiled. "Let's go meet some other kids." He said. He stood up and took your hand. " you don't have to.." "I want to." He replied. He waited for you to put your shoes back on and then you both exited your office heading to surprise the next child.

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