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Jacob parked the car and got down. He was on top of a hill, a bright green one with a lot of trees. He walked to the girl sitting at the end of the slope. One could see a big part of the city from up there, including their house. It was sunny but not hot due to the winds.

Alexa had her hair tied up in a messy bun. The back of her sweatshirt had pieces of mud stuck on it like she had been sleeping on her back, facing the sky. She was rotating a knife between her fingers.

            "You texted 911." He said standing beside her. "I don't see any emergency."

            "And I texted an hour ago, you didn't bother coming quick so I guess we're even." She replied back.

            "Why'd you text?" He asked sitting down. "Also why was the car parked in front of a hospital?"

Alexa had texted him to get the car from the hospital to that hill. Why was she there in the first place?

            "Let me think where to start from," Alexa said pursing her lips. "Do I start with Marion is not in a coma or with Christopher killed my father or with my rant about how Mc Donalds never has a working ice cream machine?"

            "What?" Jacob let out.

            "Yeah. I mean it's their best product, I would kill for a softie and they still can't fix the goddamn thing."

Jacob shook his head. "Chris killed your dad?"

            "Oh that. Yeah, he did. Well, at least my mom told me that and he didn't deny it." She shrugged.

            "Your mom?" Jacob said slowly. "Can we start from the first."

Alexa threw her knife and it landed five feet from us stabbed into the mud.


            "What do you plan on doing now?" Jacob asked after a few moments. Alexa had rambled on for about four minutes about everything that had happened. He could see that she was tense about opening up but pushed herself forward.

            "I honestly don't know." She replied pulling at the grass beside her. "I just wanted to let you know that - uh - if you decide to stay on the agency's side, I completely understand."

Jacob didn't reply. He knew that what the agency may or may not have done was bad but at the same time, that was what their entire life was. They were taught to do stuff that was inhumane. Death was gold compared to the other possibilities.

            "Are you still going to continue the mission?" Jacob asked. "Please don't say no. I mean, I honestly don't think I'll be able to catch the guy with Christina alone."

            "Is that the only reason?" Alexa smirked. "You sure I didn't charm Prince Charming himself?"

Jacob chuckled. " You wish."

            "I haven't decided anything yet. But I do know that my mom wasn't lying. At least I think she isn't. Or she's just a really good liar." Alexa mumbled. She placed her hand on Jacob's shoulder and pushed herself up. "Keys."

Jacob shuffled his pockets and grabbed the car keys and handed them to her. She held out another hand and helped him up.

            "Where are we going?" Jacob asked following her to the car.

            "We're going on the prowl for some ice cream."

Mission 17: Alexa Black┃✓Where stories live. Discover now