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Cʜᴏᴋɪɴɢ/Hᴇʟɪᴄᴏᴘᴛᴇʀ Pʟᴀɴ

Jacob wanted to shove the mathematics book down the teacher's throat. An hour of the most boring subject taught by Flash--the sloth might have been worse than the time he got captured and kept tied up in the basement of a house for a day.


He threw his books into the locker and grabbed the books for the next class. He was on his way when a crowd blocked the path.

No. It wasn't a  fight. It was a crowd in front of the notice board.

         "GUESS WHO'S GOING TO BE VICE CAPTAIN." A guy bellowed from the centre of the crowd. The guys around him clapped him on his back and congratulated him.

Jacob pushed his way forward. It was the basketball team captain and vice-captain for the season. At the bottom of the page in tiny font was a notice.

Tryouts open till Saturday in the basketball court from 11:00 to 01:00.

That was right now. Jacob would do anything to miss class and playing basketball didn't seem that bad. But that wasn't why he chose to go. It was the captain's name.

Chase James.

Could be a coincidence. But nevertheless, Jacob decided to check it out since he is a hard working agent. Psh no. He just wanted to skip class. He pulled out his phone and texted Ryder.

Chase James. Figure out who he is.

Jacob threw his books back into his locker and headed to the court. He expected tall sweaty guys who didn't know that deodorant had been invented. What he got was much worse. Sweaty guys who didn't know what deodorant was, plus a bunch of girls flirting with the players. He stood in the line for the tryouts.

After a few minutes, they closed the door to the court. Two guys stood before the line; the guy who was chosen to be vice-captain and another guy.

         "There will be two teams; one with me as the leader and another with Chase as the leader. I'll pick first." V.C guy said. The selection went on for a while till finally there was only Jacob and three other guys. It was Chase's turn to pick.

         "I'll take anyone but the new kid." He muttered. All the three raised their hands like they were in playschool and the teacher asked who wanted chocolate chip cookies.

Chase randomly pointed to one of the three. "You can have the rest, man." He said walking away, his team right behind him.

         "Alright. We are probably going to get our asses whooped--strike that--we are definitely going to get our asses whooped, so...let's do this!" V.C said.

         "Hri, you will be the centre. I will be at point. Brook, you will be our shooting guard. Both of you - " he said pointing to the two remaining excluding Jacob." - stand at small and power forward. As for the newbie - "

He glanced at Jacob. "Just sit down."

Jacob nodded and sat down at the bleachers. This wouldn't be the first time he was benched. Jacob didn't look like much. He wasn't big and bulky like the rest of the boys. But he always came out to be the best. He just had to wait his turn and be patient.

They did a jump ball and began the game. Chase had the ball in his hand. He clearly wasn't a team player. He dribbled the ball for a while in the same place trying to get a shot. He could have given the ball to anybody else at that moment since they were all free, but he chose not to. He stepped back a  little and shot the ball towards the basket. It went in. A three-pointer.

V.C clapped. "Great one, captain."

Suck up.

         "Get the new kid in," Chase replied. V.C looked at Jacob and sighed.

         "Get your ass in here." He said as Jacob walked to the court. "Listen. If you fuck up my chances to shoot I will make sure you can never shit again."

What the fuck.

Jacob nodded. The game continued. Chase had the ball with him again. No one seemed to be trying to actually stop him. Like he was going to bite. Jacob stepped towards him blocking his way to shoot. Chase glared at him. Just when he thought he could make the shot, Jacob grabbed the ball and made a run for the hoop. He passed the ball from his left hand to his right mid-air and then he dunked the ball inside. He turned around and it was completely silent. And then his team cheered. Must have been their first goal ever.

Chase didn't say anything. However he didn't look as mad as he did before, so Jacob assumed he wasn't in much trouble.

Now, you're probably wondering why an agent should be troubled about getting beat up by high school kids. See, training is great, but when undercover you can't really tell/show them your eleven years of punching and kicking. So you shut up while you get beat.

I know. Sounds great.

The game continued and ended with Jacob winning by thirty points in the lead. Let's just say Chase was not happy with that.

         "You played well," Chase said leaning on the locker beside Jacob. Jacob nodded. "How would you like to be the vice-captain for the team?"

         "Uh. Isn't that guy the vice-captain?" Jacob asked pointing to V.C

         "For now," Chase replied. Jacob thought about it. He knew that this would break V.C's heart, but at the same time, he really needed to get closer to this guy. They just got twice the chances to take down Jonathan and Jacob wasn't going to mess it up.

         "Yes." He replied.

         "Alright," Chase said. They shook hands. "I'm Chase."


         "See you around, newbie," Chase replied walking away.

Jacob's phone pinged with a text.

Got sent to the Headmaster's office. 1:00. Not too late to do the choking/helicopter plan.

It was Alexa.

Choking plan? He texted back.

Sorry. Wrong person.

Jacob ignored the text. She was either going to get herself killed or everyone else around her. He checked the time. At least there was time for food.

 At least there was time for food

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A/N- Yo. So a little heads up, I will not be updating on 7th, 8th or 9th, since I have an exam on the 8th and also on the 10th.
But there will be frequent updates after that.
So, back to the story. How's it so far?
I hope you like it.

Vote and comment!

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