-War Against WICKED-

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Hey guys, this is another Action/Adventure book that I'm writing. Do check it out!

Book description:

When an unknown force begins assassinating the superheroes a.k.a the do-gooders, the villains rejoice; until it comes for them.


"Let me get this right. You," he said pointing at Bane. "can release venom from your fingertips, and have a snake as a pet. You," he turned to Ryoko. "have a pet dragon and don't get affected by fire. You," he turned to Hades. "can literally make the dead, dance. And it is crazy if I believe that the robots are wearing our loved ones' skins to fool us?" he asked with his hands in the air. "You are all nuts. Xavier out."


Skye Atkins lived her entire life hiding from the heroes of the world. Even though she was considered as one of the most powerful villains, she did everything she could to avoid meeting a hero. When the man who killed her family was assassinated, she finally believed that she would live a free life. But not long after the news did she find out that the force that was killing the heroes wasn't on her side either.

When war seemed inevitable, the remaining handful of villains and heroes realised that if they wanted to survive, they had to unite into a single force.


First chapter:


Skye Atkins walked down the stairs and into the bar, the warmth hitting her face as her body left the cold, harsh winter winds outside. She removed her jacket and scarf, leaving her gloves on, in habit and made her way to her usual seat at the bar; right in the middle, giving her a clear view of the television and making it easier for the bartender to chat with her while doing his job.

“Skye!” Bachhus greeted from the left end of the bar as he poured drinks for the group in front of him. Skye gave him a nod in response. Bachhus raised a finger, indicating her to wait for a moment as he gave his attention to a couple. Skye looked around the bar. She remembered a time when only she and Bacchus sat in the middle of the empty room on the floor and stared at the television, the darkness of the world eating them up. Skye had just lost her parents and Bacchus lost his family in the war. The bar was the remains of his house at that time. She was seventeen then. She could still distinctly recall Bacchus getting up after hours of silence and deciding that he was going to open a bar for all those who have been hurt for no reason; a haven for those who are running; a home for those who needed one; and mostly, a reason for him to live. Six years later, the bar was more crowded than shops with sales on Black Friday.

“How was your day?” Bacchus asked his usual question. In his own way, Bacchus was the father Skye needed. “Did you slap that jerk from the Machiato company?”

Skye was a freelance architect who did random jobs here and there, one of which was a project for the Machiato company. The jerk from the Machiato company was a guy who thought he could place his hands anywhere and get away with it. “Turns out, he had been abusing his wife for years.”

Bacchus smile grew. “You said ‘had’.”

Skye smirked. “I did what I had to do.”

“I know and I’m proud.” He replied. “I’ll get you your usual.” He bent across the bar to whisper. “Also, Tristan is here.”

Mission 17: Alexa Black┃✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora