Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten (Alexander)


Back to school, or so I thought. I started to leave my room when I spotted Storm leaning on the railing of the stairs, wearing only a pair of his sexy leather pants, hugging his firm ass and strong hips. I raised an eyebrow, shrugging my bag onto my shoulder as I approached him.

"What's up with you?" I asked. Storm didn't look at me, just stared straight ahead out the window across the foyer that looked out to the street outside and the many houses after that.

"I went to visit Mark yesterday." He stated. I blinked, then nibbled my lower lip as Storm folded his hands against his mouth, just staring silently. I didn't say anything after a while and when I started to, Storm spoke.

"He was like a zombie." He murmured. I frowned.

"What'd you mean? I thought the medication was helping." I said in confusion, lowering my bag to the floor as I came to lean on the railing beside him, studying his stoic face before he grimaced, looking down at the hallway.

"I don't understand. Something's not right. We're missing something... I went to see him yesterday and he was completely... out of it. When we went to see him Saturday, he was reacting fine to everything we were saying and doing."

"If you call ripping his gown off and staring at his cock something normal."

"Not that, Alexander. I'm talking about... Well, yesterday when I went to see him, they had him drugged up so badly, he didn't even know who I was. I kept saying his name and he kept staring at me. His eyes were glazed over and he was... Just... mentally not even there. He was in his own world." Storm explained in frustration. I stared at him, stunned.

They drugged him? I knew Mark was in pain, but they had a limit to how much they could give a patient. That much I knew from watching my parents at work, so why would they make it so he can barely communicate?

"We need to go back to the hospital." I stated with finality. Storm pushed off the railing with a frown.

"You have school. Not to mention, they cancelled visiting hours for Mark because of his current state." He added. I rolled my eyes, heaving my bag up over my shoulder and taking him by the elbow as I led him to his room to get a shirt on.

"Quit following the rules for once. If you loved Mark so much, you'd be willing to break any rules to keep him safe." I responded sternly, standing in the doorway. Storm stared at me for the longest time, slowly looked away, then went to his dresser for a shirt. I sighed in relief as he tugged a black t-shirt on while grabbing his leather jacket. We turned to head down the stairs, only to have Amber standing there, wearing a beige pleather jacket over a brown turtlenck that matched her mini-skirt over long black stockings that disappeared into her heels.

"We headin' out?" She asked, tugging a black slip beanie on so it hung off the back of her head, her blonde curls keeping it on perfectly. Storm stared at her in disbelief and I'm sure my expression matched as she snorted.

"I may not be a man lover, but I'm a Mark lover and I want them to keep their paws off him. I agree that something's not right. Mom and dad have been quiet about everything that happened Friday night." She explained, turning to head down the stairs. Storm and I shared looks before following her down the stairs.

"But three of us going is suspicious." I protested.

"I already don't like this idea." Storm put in as we reached the door. Amber opened the door and turned to face us, putting a hand on her hip that she thrust out dramatically, giving us a cocky smirk.

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