Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five (Storm)

"I think Alex is upset."

I had been staring up at the intricately designed ceiling above, my arms folded behind my head as I lay beneath the silky sheets on the bed that I was currently sharing with Mark. I tilted my head to glance at him as he lay staring up at the ceiling. I could stare at him all day, I discovered.

His gorgeous deep black hair fell in short, lightly wavy locks against the pillow with bright, brilliant blue eyes that gazed up at the ceiling, studying it intensely before he sighed and rolled over onto his stomach a bit closer, propped up on his elbows. He looked at me, waiting for a reply before I smiled lightly, rolling onto my side, reaching out to let my fingertips touch his bare back. The way the light hit his skin made it look like porcelain and he resembled a China doll the way his cheeks flushed at my touch.

"He'll be upset until we bring Nicholas back to him. Once that happens, everything will be just fine." I assured him in a murmur, scooting closer until my legs tangled with his. Mark's cheeks darkened and he slumped down on the bed, his face buried against the pillow and his arms folded over his head on the pillow. He finally tilted his head to the side to look up at me as I ran my fingers lightly over his skin, watching the goose bumps rise on his smooth flesh.

"I have a bad feeling about this, though," Mark said quietly, making me frown a bit as I traced his shoulder blades, "What makes you so sure this is gonna go smoothly?" I paused, then rested my hand on Mark's back before brushing my fingers through his hair, almost shivering at the way his silky hair ran between my fingers.

"Because my father said so." I answered honestly, watching Mark study my expression as I stroked his hair.

And that was answer enough. I'd seen what my father could do. Everyone around him, even myself, could feel the power rolling off him in heavy waves that made a tsunami look like ripples in a puddle.

I was there when my father destroyed one of the many clans that threatened his power. Most people had armies set up, their most highly trained combatants, prepared to fight my father off. That first battle had only lasted seconds. My father flipped them all onto their backs, either dead or dying, with just the wave of his hand.

He was becoming what God was to humans.

His power was steadily rising at an alarming rate and all that power could only lead to his madness and maybe that's why he had changed so much over the years. He'd gone from strong and business-like to powerful and confident. His pride had pressured his ego through the roof, like lava exploding from a volcano.

And as much as I hated to say it, all of it was well placed.

My father had every right to call himself King.

Because no one else was as strong as he was and when we made our arrival known at Red Field tomorrow, Newell would know that and sorely regret his decision to start a rebellion.

"You're making a scary expression." Mark's voice cut into my thoughts, making me blink and look at him to see him looking at me uneasily. I blinked a few times, then smiled lightly as I reached out again, brushing the hair back from his face, my knuckles sliding against his soft, rosy cheeks.

"Don't be scared of me," I told him gently, watching him study me as I continued to touch him lightly along his cheeks, hair, and shoulders, "I've done so much to make this work. I would die before letting it fall apart." I brushed my knuckles down his shoulder, pleased as he slowly rolled over onto his back and I shifted so I was leaning over him, putting one leg on the other side of him as I trailed my knuckles to his nipple.

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