Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six (Alexander)

I managed to get into the house when Vladimir made his fantastically flamboyant entrance and the other bodyguards were distracted. I stumbled into the house, ducking under the ruined doorway in the back of the house. I came into the kitchen, wincing at the sight of all the witchy objects. Jars filled with herbs and spices. Handcrafted utensils and religious offerings and designs.

I carefully stepped past them to avoid ruining the handicraft before coming into the living room. As soon as I did, I was almost killed. A dagger cut across the living room right in front of my face, the blade slicing my cheek and making me gasp as I fell back into the kitchen on the floor, landing on my back. I sat up quickly, scrambling back as the sound of footsteps thumped through the living room and a woman stood in the doorway, glaring down at me.

Her deep bloody red hair was tied back into a ponytail away from her deep blue eyes. She doned entirely black leather clothing and a belt decorated in weaponry. I winced as she reached for another dagger. I rolled out of the way quickly under the table, swinging my feet up and kicking the table into the air. I shot to my feet a second later and shoved the table into the doorway, almost smacking her in the face, making her curse.

I held the table there until a dagger shot through the table, its tip just an inch from my nose. I winced and stumbled back before scrambling onto one of the kitchen counters as the table blasted away from the doorway and shattered into a thousand wooden fragments against the other side of the kitchen. The woman lunged inside, grabbing me by the front of my shirt and swinging me around, throwing me out into the living room where I slammed into the floor, the wind knocked out of my lungs.

I gasped for breath, rolling over onto my side. I looked up, panting as the woman stalked toward me, a dagger ready to be thrown at my head until someone shot into her, slamming her into the fireplace across the room where she howled in pain. I looked up to see Vladimir standing in her place before he turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Too slow, Alexander. Move faster." He commanded. I nodded quickly and scrambled to my feet as the woman managed to heave herself out of the fire, ready to attack, but Vladimir moved faster and sent her flying back into the fire. I didn't stick around to watch or listen to her bloodcurdling screams. I ran up the stairs, my shoes thumping on the creaky old steps before I managed to make it to the hallway.

I ignored the loud crashes and booms from outside and downstairs. The house creaked, though, almost swaying as if it couldn't take the amount of pressure going on around it and inside it. I took deep breathes before starting forward, pausing to listen at each door, but there was only silence inside.

I frowned, reaching near the end of the hallway when I heard a crash in one of the rooms. My eyes widened and I whirled around, heading toward the room until I heard another crash from behind me. I blinked and glanced to the other side, listening carefully, then yelped as one of the doors beside me exploded off its hinges and shot into the wall. I hit the floor, covering my head to avoid getting hit before I looked up, frowning. I scrambled to my feet and leaned against the wall beside the room that was now missing a door.

I hesitantly peered inside, but the room was empty.

Except for a familiar soccer uniform. My eyes widened and I bolted inside instantly, reaching the chair by the dresser. I picked up the soccer uniform, my fingers pressing against the smooth material. I brought it to my nose and inhaled Nicholas' scent. My eyes flickered when I suddenly felt like someone was watching me. I jerked my head up just in time for something to slam into my head.

Pain exploded in my skull and I managed a low whimper of pain, slumping to the floor where I barely avoided hitting my head again. Pain pulsed in my temples and I felt blood running down either side of my nose as I breathed hard, reaching up to find where the blood was coming from, but someone grabbed my hand and heaved me to my feet.

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