Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven (Storm)

It was my fault.

At least, that's how I felt.

My chest felt tight with pain, and not just from the beating I'd received from both Jasper and Nicholas, but the pain of hearing Alexander scream. I had tried. I had tried so hard to hide it from him, but I should have known that Alexander would see. He was stronger than he thought he was and even with two purebloods struggling to keep his eyes away, he still saw.

I had tried to pull him away and cover his head, but the two seconds of freedom allowed him to see what Mark and I had been trying to fight against. Alexander screamed, the sound almost inhuman.

It was pure and utter agony, tearing through the air.

Even Mark looked like he was about to cry, but he just bit hard into his lip and grabbed Alexander by the shoulder, whirling him around forcefully. It was too late, though. The damage had been done and Alexander was kicking even harder to get away.

I was grateful when Amber came running over, breathing hard as her blonde hair whipped around in the wind and blood caked the front of her jacket and bled from a cut in her cheek. Other than that, she seemed fine as she came over, taking Alexander, who kept writhing. Behind Amber came Kornelius, who joined Amber and Mark in forcing Alexander away from the bloody scene.

I hesitated to go after them before I forced myself to glance over my shoulder at my father, who was coming toward me. Blood was splashed up across the front of his clothes, droplets spattered across his face. His right hand dripped heavily with blood that didn't belong to him. It left a thick wet trail to Nicholas' body.

It lay in a thick sea of red blood. Just a few feet away was his head, still oozing globs of blood that made my stomach churn. My father grabbed me by the back of my head and turned me away.

"Don't look." He ordered firmly. I gritted my teeth as he kept his fingers entangled in my hair, forcing me to walk the other way.

"You didn't have to kill him." I seethed past clenched teeth. He didn't say anything for a while as we walked down the sidewalk toward the long black stretch limo that waited to bring us back to Wolf Creek.

"Yes, I did," My father answered, his voice cold enough to give me chills, "His intent was kill. Newell was forcing his bodyguard to torment Alexander, refusing to stop until Nicholas killed Storm. If Nicholas had gone after the bodyguard, they were in the perfect position to kill Alexander. I did what I did because I was saving my son's life. My son and his friend." After that he said nothing else, forcing me along by my hair until we got to the limo. He let go of me as I ducked into the limo, waiting for him to get in, but he went to slam the door. I swung my hand out to stop him, glaring at him.

"What're you doing?" I demanded. My father stared at me blankly.

"Newell escaped. He couldn't have gone far. The rest of you return to Wolf Creek. Call me when you're ready to come home." He informed, then slammed the car door shut, making me wince. I stared out the window as my father said something to William, who nodded and got in the driver's seat. My father stared at the black windows of the limo and he somehow managed to find my eyes.

We stared at each other until William pulled away. I continued to stare out the window until my father disappeared out of sight. I turned back to see that everyone had made it to the limo, but they all sat in silence.

Even Alexander.

He sat there, staring at the floor, tears streaming down his face. He looked pretty banged up and in need of some blood, but I didn't say so. We just sat in silence. Mark sat by Alexander, but didn't say a word. He just sat there, staring at anything that wasn't Alexander or me. He would sniff every so often, but that was it. I could tell he was fighting back tears too.

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