Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three (Alexander)

I woke up in tears.

Pain assaulted me from every angle and I felt my body was about to explode. My tears felt like molten lava down my scalding cheeks and something icy cold kept touching my forehead as I writhed on my bed. For a second, all that I felt was pure and utter agony.

And then it vanished, just like that.

My vision went from blurry to focused when I saw Amber leaning over me, dabbing at my forehead with a wet cloth, her blue eyes narrowed and her blonde hair pulled up into a sloppy bun with chopsticks as she wore a blue turtleneck and jeans.

"A... Amber...?" I managed, my voice booming in my head and making me moan in pain. Amber sighed, cocking a brow at me as she left the cloth on my forehead.

"I never thought I'd see the day that my baby brother had a hangover." She retorted smartly, making me grimace as she rose off the bed, going to my nightstand. I blinked a few times and rolled over, the wet cloth plopping on my bed as I watched her pour a mug of hot AB positive blood that made my stomach growl viciously.

"What happened?" I mumbled, trying to remember, but I could only remember getting into Vladimir's limo and nothing else after that. Amber said nothing as she stirred something into the mug before reaching out to help me sit up. My world tilted and twirled for a moment before settling as she handed me the mug of hot blood. I took careful sips, sighing in relief as the blood settled my stomach.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" I asked tiredly, peering up at Amber past my hair, pausing to grimace at my reflection in my mug. I had terrible bedhead, blonde locks sticking up all over the place and my bangs hanging in my face in some wild screamo fashion before I looked up at Amber, who was smiling sadly at me. I frowned in confusion as she reached out, brushing down my hair with her fingernails before trailing her hands to my cheeks, cupping my face.

"Vladimir is staying at our house for a couple nights with Storm and Mark just down the hallway... Mom and dad aren't exactly the happiest campers." She explained gently. I frowned deeper before I vaguely remembered flopping down on the sofa downstairs, cuddling with the velvet as Vladimir told my parents... And my mom upset that she wasted decades trying to give Vladimir the son-in-law he needed, but no longer wanted.

I just sat there, staring into my mug as a mixture of emotions struck me all at once.

Pain; not just from the hangover, but that I no longer had a purpose and that meant my parents no longer wanted me. I had a feeling that were ready to pack my things up and kick me out, just like any normal human parents would do.

Anger; That I didn't stand up to them like Mark did, even though they were my parents.

Fear; I didn't know what to do now. Where would I go? How would I live?

And the twinge of relief. It made me want to cry again, but all my tears were dried up. I didn't have to worry about useless things like marriages and clans anymore. I was on my own. I could do what I wanted now. I could go to college. I could become something important. I could get a wonderful job and live on my own.

"Are you all right?" Amber asked softly. I blinked, then forced a smile as I nodded before taking a sip of my warm blood, sighing contently.

"This is great, Amber. Thanks... Just what I needed." I answered, trying to be cheerier than I felt. Amber still didn't look convinced as she felt my forehead and touched my cheeks before standing up as my bedroom door opened. Mark came in with Storm right behind him. Mark looked so much better now, just like the pureblood he was. I noticed he'd gotten into my clothes, wearing a dark gray drape front long sleeve shirt and snug skinny jeans. The hood that the drape of his shirt collar made was pulled back as a hood, handing off the back of his head in a style I'm sure only Mark could pull off perfectly.

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