A day in the life of Fabi

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Hello everyone and welcome back. My wonderful guests are here and ready to spill the tea.... sorry for that it was cringy

Well to start of our question round, let's ask our beloved Younghyun first.
Here's a cute little paragraph by one of the sweetest persons ever:

hyunnie-beb, we all love you!!! don't listen to dem uglies, ew. plz listen to poor seungminnie, he's so confused and just wants to get in contact with you and make sure that you're still alive ;v; hope everything settles with you and jae-beb soon <3

Well I must say that was adorable wasn't it? But, before he answers, I must add a little thing I forgot in the start. The only person that is here with me is the one that answers and no one will hear the answer besides me and my guests. Because who knows if the asked person answers truthfully with others in the room? So I'm sorry but I must ask the lovely couple to stop holding hands and to walk backstage. I'll see you and Jae and Dowoon later.
So, after that is out of the way let's hear what Younghyun has to say, alright?

Alright ehm.. well I'm better now. Its just what those fans said really affected me, but I think I can learn from it and be better in the future. Also I don't think it's a good idea to talk to Seungmin right now. Maybe I shouldn't have messaged him. I'm not a good friend for him and I'm really sorry about that. Also me and Jae made up. He's a nightmare sometimes, but I love him. Thank you so much for supporting us. Love you

Support those amazing guys everyone!
Also it seems like your relationship is quite a hot topic among your fans, since another person asked how you and Jae are doing? Is everything alright?

Yeah, we are great actually. I didn't know how to talk about my feelings but he made me realise that I don't need to be afraid. He's an amazing boyfriend and an even better singer and I'm so glad to have him. Will you tell Jae that I love him, when I go backstage?

Of course I will. I wish you two all the best in the future. Well I'll see you later, now it's time to ask the 'amazing boyfriend'

Hello and welcome Jae! How has your day been going until now?

Ah it was great thank you. All people are so friendly here so I'm very comfortable. Thanks for inviting us here today.

I'm glad you're here so thank You. Well let's see what your fans want to know.

jaeeee, baby, did younghyunnie say something to you after that terrible incident with the uglies? ;__; it'll all get better soon, just remember -- communication is key in a healthy relationship <3

Thanks for the advice love. We're doing great right now. And no, he didn't say anything until I kinda forced it out of him. But he's okay now, our fans are just too much sometimes. Thank you so much for supporting us. Love you

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