Chapter 1: I Would Have Moved Here A Long Time Ago If I Knew Of This Hot Guy

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Chapter 1: I Would Have Moved Here A Long Time Ago If I Knew Of This Hot Guy

       Moving was never easy. I've only moved away once in my life, which was when I was seven years old, but it was so difficult to say goodbye to my friends. Being seven, I didn't really have any form of communication I could use to keep in contact with my friends. I was a moody seven year old until I found out we lived close to an ice cream shop and my dad promised to take me there.

       Now that we were moving for a second time, I was moody yet again. However, this time, I was a moody seventeen year old because my dad passed away. I didn't really care that we had to move back to the small town. Well, I cared slightly, but living in the city was ruined for me. Everything was connected to the memory of my dad.

       At least with Ruralburgh, the memories weren't as important as the ones I made with my dad in the city. Things wouldn't be too hard for me.

       Mom pulled into the driveway of the house on the farm and my six year old sister Dorothy squealed in the back seat. "I see horses!"

       I looked around the farm, trying to see if there was something that could interest me. The whole Birch family was outside, each doing a specific task. While I haven't seen them in ten years, it was easy to tell who was who. The only two people I could recognize were the twins, Erica and Monica but that was only because the last time I saw them, they were six and hard to tell apart. I haven't seen them for ten years but considering they both had different clothing styles and one had pink hair, I would be able to tell them apart soon.

       The twins and their mom, Beth, were working with the horses Dorothy spotted. Their dad Trey and the oldest son Vincent were working on some repairs on the porch of what I was guessing was the guest house since it was the smaller house on the plot of land.

       The second oldest son, Sawyer, was who caught my attention as he unloaded some bales of hay from a truck. "And I see a hot guy," I said.

       Mom gasped. "Jamie Krukowski!"

       "What?" I asked innocently. "Let me appreciate the beauty he possesses. And those muscles... I guess working on the farm did him wonders."

       "Stop being inappropriate," Mom scolded.

       "I'm not being inappropriate," I said. "I'm just admiring Sawyer's hard-earned muscles. If I wanted to be inappropriate, I would have said something about his a--"

       "Jamie!" Mom said. "Your sister is in the back seat!"

       "Oh, relax," I said. "Dot is too busy looking at the horses. She probably didn't hear a word I said. Do you think my bedroom window will be facing the front yard so I can watch Sawyer do his work?"

       "Jamie, I swear, if you don't stop--"

       "Mom, I'm kidding," I said. "I'm just trying to rile you up. It's fun."

       Mom slapped my shoulder before getting out of the car. I got out too and immediately went to the back to help Dorothy get out. She always struggled taking off her seat belt and considering she seemed really enthusiastic to get a better look at the horses, it was best to get her out of the car as soon as possible.

       With the time it took to help Dorothy get out of the car, Beth walked over to greet us where she gave Mom a hug. "I'm so sorry about your loss," Beth said.

       "Thank you," Mom said. "And thank you for letting us stay here until I can get back on my feet."

       "You're more than welcome," Beth said. "It's very nice to see you again." She then looked at me. "And Jamie, you've grown so much. How are you?"

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