Chapter 29: I Have a Knack For a Lot of Things. Sawyer Would Know. Wink, Wink.

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Chapter 29: I Have a Knack For a Lot of Things. Sawyer Would Know. Wink, Wink.

       Sawyer was really determined to get back in his groove of showjumping, especially since there was a fair approaching soon. It was like the annual fair that happened shortly after I moved here but this time, there were a lot more things added, mainly horse events.

       It would be the perfect time for Sawyer to enter in his first showjumping event after getting back into it. He wanted to. But he told me he was still worried about it. That he didn't even know if he was going to be ready in time.

       But he still didn't give up. He was always so determined.

       That was one of the many things I loved about him.

       Whenever Sawyer went to train, I normally went with him because sometimes, how he thought he did on the course wasn't how he actually did, and he also needed someone to time him.

       Unfortunately, I was currently stuck in school right now, bored out of my mind. I just wanted to be back at home with Sawyer. Preferably in bed but if he wanted to train, I'd be fine watching him do that too.

       Thankfully, for my last class, which was English class, we were sent to the library to each find a book we'd have to read and write a report on. It didn't take long for me to find a book and once I did, I sat down at one of the tables to wait until school was over. At least I didn't have to listen to a boring lecture.

       But school would still feel like it was going by slowly because Kitty was in my English class and she was constantly glaring at me.

       All I wanted to do was flip her off but I didn't think the teachers would appreciate that.

       Although for some reason, Kitty didn't really seem mad at me today. She wasn't glaring at me like she always did. Instead, she looked sort of smug. 

       "What's up with her?" I asked Lulu as she sat down beside me. "Her smugness is scaring me. Why is she so smug? Is she planning something? Should I be scared? What am I talking about? I'm not scared of her. But her smugness is still... off-putting."

       "She's not planning anything," Lulu said. "You know the fair coming up? With all those competitions?" I nodded. "She's a champ in cross-country riding. Always comes in first. This is when her ego is extremely high. And it's always high."

       "Nobody has ever been able to take her down a peg?" I asked.

       "Nope," Lulu said. "I keep asking people to try but nobody I know really does cross-country. Zach and Felicity are bronc riders, Sawyer and Lynda are showjumpers. And those two might be good at cross-country but one, Sawyer doesn't showjump anymore and two, Kitty is in the under eighteen category. Sawyer and Lynda are over eighteen."

       "And you don't know any other competitive riders?" I asked. "Doesn't Beau ride? I could have sworn I heard something about him doing competitions sometimes."

       Lulu didn't reply. She just pretended to pay attention to the book she chose for the book report.

       "Lulu?" I asked. "Everything okay?"

       "Why wouldn't it be?" 

       "Because suddenly, that book is more interesting than our conversation. I thought you would have been wanting to find a way to take down Kitty."

       "Oh, right, we were talking about that."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Uh, yeah, we were talking about that. And again, doesn't Beau ride? Can he do cross-country?"

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