Chapter 20: Whoever Says Nature Brings People Closer Obviously Hasn't Met Kitty

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Chapter 20: Whoever Says Nature Brings People Closer Obviously Hasn't Met Kitty

       Now that I was finally well enough to go on a camping trip with the rest of the seniors in my school, Lulu was able to find a place and pick a date for it to be. Unfortunately, not too many actual campsites wanted to rent to a bunch of teenagers due to last year's incident.

       I didn't know what last year's incident was but I was blaming Kitty for it.

       Thankfully, Lulu was able to talk to her parents about letting the camp out be in the forest that was part of their land. On top of it all, her parents even said they would go out of town for the night so they wouldn't bother us at all.

       If I ever asked my mom to have a camp out with a bunch of teenagers in our backyard, she would laugh in my face and then tell me to do my homework.

       "So what exactly happens at one of the senior camp outs?" I asked Sawyer as we packed our bags for the overnight trip. "I mean, obviously each trip is different since it's student planned but some of it might be the same."

       "Well, chances are there will be alcohol there," Sawyer said. "Some people will more than likely be drunk out of their mind. Probably a game of truth or dare. Teenagers like that game for some reason."

       "Yes, because nothing says fun like being forced to spill life secrets or do some crazy dare," I said. "I always lie when I play truth or dare anyway. Nobody will know."

       "Wow, we got a rebel here," Sawyer said. "I've never played truth or dare but I feel like if I did, I would also lie."

       "You've never played truth or dare?" I asked.

       "Nope," Sawyer said. "Never really had the chance. The only chance I did was during my senior year's camp out but I just sat out. I didn't see the point of playing it. Wait, now that I said that, please don't make me play it tonight if it comes up."

       "Oh, don't worry, I won't," I said. "And that's for one reason, really. Kitty."


       "She'll be there. I don't trust her. Just imagine what dares she'll think of."

       Sawyer sighed. "I almost forgot she was going to be there."

       "You don't have to come if you don't want to," I said. "It's not like I'll be lonely or anything. Beau and Lulu will be there."

       "No, I want to come," Sawyer said. "Really. Kitty being there is just one downside to it but there a lot more reasons that I do want to go."

       "I really want to make an innuendo."

       Sawyer sighed as he zipped up his bag. "Of course you do. You almost done packing? We should get going."

       I nodded as I zipped up my own bag, still wanting to say the innuendo but I decided to give Sawyer a break for right now. That, and I wanted to save all my innuendo energy for tonight when Kitty was around to hear it.

       Who was I kidding? I never ran out of innuendo energy. That was what I lived off of.

       Sawyer had to go to the storage room to get all the camping stuff we would need. The last time I went camping was a few years ago and my parents did all the packing so I had no idea what to bring. Apparently, the Birch family went camping multiple times every year so Sawyer knew exactly what to bring. 

       While Sawyer was getting all the supplies, I went outside to Sawyer's truck and placed the bags, as well as our pillows and extra blanket, in the back. Sawyer soon came out with everything else we needed, placing them in back.

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