Chapter 6: This is Totally a Date But Someone Won't Admit it

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Chapter 6: This is Totally a Date But Someone Won't Admit it

       When late Friday afternoon rolled around, my family and the Birches went to the fairgrounds to help set up for the annual fair happening tomorrow. Sawyer and I were the only two not going, thankfully. His excuse of him showing me around the town and running a few errands worked.

       I was just happy I got to stay home since I was part of Sawyer's excuse.

       While I was in the kitchen looking for something to eat, Sawyer walked down the stairs. "Ready to go?"

       I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him. "Go where?"

       "Uh, into town so I could show you around," Sawyer said. "Make sure you know and remember where everything is."

       "You were serious about that?" I asked. "I thought you were just using it as an excuse to stay home."

       "There's no reason why we can't go out anyway," Sawyer said. "And that way, I wasn't actually lying about what I said. I really would be taking you into the town. Nobody can get mad at that."

       "Awe, so you really want to take me out on a date?" I asked to tease Sawyer since it was something I did a lot. Multiple times per day really. Sometimes, he may seem annoyed but with the smile he was attempting to hide, he really wasn't annoyed by it.

       If he was, I definitely would stop because I wouldn't want him to feel uncomfortable.

       Sawyer gave me the same reaction he always did, a sigh and an eye roll topped with the corner of his lips trying to curve into a smile. "No, Jamie, I'm not asking you on a date. I'm literally just taking you into town to show you around. We don't have to go."

       "No, I'm only kidding," I said. "I do want to go. I haven't really been around the town yet since we moved back and I'm not sure if I fully remember where everything is."

       "Then let's go," Sawyer said. "We can start by going to the diner. Get something to eat first since you were looking for something to eat. I'll pay."

       "Sawyer, you can't offer to pay," I said. "That will make it seem more like a date."

       "Friends can pay for other friends, Jamie," Sawyer said. "I'm trying to be nice here."

       "I'm kidding," I said. "Kind of. Sort of. Oh, come on, you have to admit that you walked into that one."

       Sawyer didn't reply, knowing I was right. He just sighed and headed to the front door so I followed him. After the two of us got our shoes on, we walked outside and headed to his truck. The first place we went to was the main diner in town. There weren't many places people could go out to eat. Just the diner and a few restaurants. No fast food places but honestly, I enjoyed it. It gave Ruralburgh a unique flair.

       Of course, there was fast food joints in the city which wasn't too far of a drive so if someone was really craving fast food, they could just head there. 

       I slightly remembered going to the diner a few times when I lived here before and I was happy to see that nothing had really changed from what I did remember. It was such a special place in the town, being one of the buildings that had actually been here since Ruralburgh was formed. They did a few renovations here and there to make sure the building stayed in shape but they did keep the vintage feel to it.

       There were a few new things added to the menu so of course, it was taking me a long time to choose what to get.

       "Made your decision yet?" Sawyer asked.

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