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Blossom drove her motorcycle into the school parking lot. Everyone had their eyes on Isabella, the new girl, as she drove up in a red pickup truck.

Blossom looked towards where the Cullen family stood by their fancy cars. Noticing the glare Rosalie had on Isabella had made everything better.

Blossom smiled in triumph as she waltzed into the school, leaving her clueless sister behind. She went to her locker and noticed a large shadow tower over her.

She slammed her locker shut with her books in hand. She turned around swiftly. "Hello Emmett," she said nicely.

"Rosalie wanted me to ask you if you'd like to come sit with us at lunch," Emmett told her.

"I don't usually eat in the lunch cafeteria," Blossom said shyly with an unsure expression.

Out of nowhere, Alice appeared with Jasper by her side. A wave of calmness come over Blossom.

Strange. She thought, and ignored it.

"Please, it'd make me very happy!" Alice said squealing as she noticed Blossom giving in. "Great, see you soon."

They were gone faster then they had appeared. Blossom shook her head and went to math class to sit with Rosalie.

The day went painfully slowly and lunch had arrived. She almost forgot that Isabella was here as Blossom entered the cafeteria with the rest of the Cullen family.

 She almost forgot that Isabella was here as Blossom entered the cafeteria with the rest of the Cullen family

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She felt eyes on her as she glanced to Isabella's table. They were whispering and staring at her. Blossom shyly looked down and started to slow down as she started to rethink her choice.

This was a bad idea, she thought.

Edward had heard all their thoughts besides Isabella's. He could hear Blossom's just fine. He was beginning to feel angry by what he heard them say and think. How could they be so cruel? he thought.

He reached behind him and grabbed the tips of her fingers. Sparks flew through his arm as he mumbled, "come on."

Her ears perked at the sound and followed him to the table. Gasps and whispers were heard around the loud cafeteria.

Alice clapped happily as she patted two seats for them to sit on.

"Where is your lunch?" Rosalie asked as she played with Emmett's hand.

"Where is your lunch?" Rosalie asked as she played with Emmett's hand

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Blossom placed her books on the table. "I already ate," she lied. She never ate at school, she barley ate, she wanted to be skinnier. Only dinner would be the time she'd eat to show her father that she was eating.

Everyone fell for it but Edward seemed to have a rotten look on his face. He had his eyes on Isabella though, a glare in his eyes. She wondered what was up his ass.

"I'll go get you something," Edward volunteered as he stood up and went to the lineup.

"Okay, why does he keep glaring at my sister?" she asked everyone at the table quietly.

Jasper had an uncomfortable look on his face. Alice held his hand encouragingly.

"Go ahead, Jazz," she told him.

Jasper was silent as Blossom stared at him for answers. "He is annoyed that she keeps staring at him."

Blossom mentally signed in relief. Good, she thought.

Emmett smirked and soon the whole table was smiling. Blossom paused. "I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Yes," Edward said arriving back at the table. Her face grew bright red as she mumbled a small thank you as she slowly ate the French fries and hotdog.

Emmett burst out laughing as everyone glanced at the table. Blossom grew tomato red as she hid her face by pushing her hair in front of her face.

The day went by quickly and soon Blossom was on her way home. She got there before Isabella. Blossom sat in her room, overhearing Isabella's conversation with their mother. Isabella told her that there was one guy that she liked and Blossom grew blind in rage and jealously.

She looked at the night sky through her window as she sat on the windowsill. She got too close and tipped down but grabbed the window before she could fall out.

"Woah, what a close one," she said loudly as she quickly left the window and shut it behind her. She laid under the sheets and went to bed.


What she didn't know was that Edward was watching from the trees and was under her window in seconds when he saw her almost fall out of the top floor window. He went home after that.

He had to talk to Carlisle. Once in his office, he began to rant.

"How is this possible? To have a blood singer and a mate? One blood sings to me and the other doesn't but I feel like I am bound to her. One I can't read her thoughts but the other speaks so freely through her mind. What do I do?"

Carlisle sighed. "Edward, son, a mate is more strong then any blood singer but it is your choice. Ether one would be with you forever and once you turn one of them, then the bond with the other will disappear like it never happened."

Edward nodded his head in understanding. "This will take time."

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