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Blossom was completely unharmed as she sat on a chair in the hospital lobby. She laid her head back against the wall, shutting her eyes. Bella was in a hospital room with a broken leg and such.

Their mother was on her way soon to visit.

Blossom opened her eyes when she felt a cold hand touch her arm and a presence take a seat next to her. It was Edward.

"Shouldn't you be with Bella?"

Blossoms voice was cold. Edward stared at her as she yanked her arm from his grasp and laid her head back again.

"I'm more worried about you. I can hear your thoughts you know. You're frightened."

Blossom went quiet. She shut her eyes tighter. A tear rolled down her cheek. Edward felt his cold heart clutch. He was hurting inside seeing her so scared. He grabbed her hand, she didn't move, he squeezed it lightly and she returned it.

She found herself falling asleep, her head falling onto his shoulder. He stayed like that for awhile. He realized he made the wrong decision. He let go of her hand, kissed her head hesitantly before leaving to Bella's room.

Bella's mother was there. Bella was awake. "May I speak to Bella alone?"

Her mother smiled and left the room. Bella smiled at Edward.

"Hello Edward."

He stood in the corner of the room. "Listen, I think it's better off for the both of us if my family and I leave for Alaska to see cousins. Don't do anything reckless."

"Edward..." Bella said slowly but he already left the room. He walked back to the lobby and saw Blossom, he quickly turned around and went up to Charlie.

"Could Blossom come to Alaska with my family and I?"

Charlie was stunned. He thought deeply for a second before sighing. "Sure. Just keep her safe."

Edward smiled. "Of course."

He went up to Blossom who was fast asleep. He moved a piece of her hair away from her face before shaking her awake.


"Would you like to come to Alaska with my family and I? I already asked Charlie and he said that'd be fine."

Blossom gave him a puzzled look. She glanced towards her father who simple sent her a small smile and wave goodbye.

She stood up from her chair. "Well I just have to go pack."

"Let's go then," he told her, he reached for her hand but she pulled away.

"Please don't. Not right now. Just don't."

"Too soon?"

She glared. "Leave me alone."

He simply laughed, bumping his shoulder lightly against hers. They walked out to his car and headed to her home where they packed her bags for the trip to Alaska.

Bad At Love [Edward Cullen]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ