[30] Growing Some Balls

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A/N: Dedicating this chapter to VanessaBailey079 for being a BIG fan. YOU can be the next person I dedicate to if u vote more & add my book to your reading list! xD


Chapter 30

Lilliana's POV

Knock. Knock.

"Whose there?" I asked in my sleeping voice.

Tap. Tap.

"Who?" I asked again.

Knock. Knock. Tap. Tap.

"JUST OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR & COME IN!" I yelled & went back to sleep. Then, I feel someone shaking me. "Lilliana! Wake up! There's a gentleman downstairs that wants to see u!" My mom gushed. I rolled my eyes. "Tell him I went to Hawaii or something." I said with a bored wave on my hands. I got a sense that my mom is putting her hands on her hips.

"He's throwing pebbles at your window." Well that explains the tapping. "Tell him I got a date with my bed." Yeah... I didn't have enough sleep yesterday due to my projects & I need some rest because of my stomach. U can't see the stitches anymore. The doctor said I was very lucky that the shot miss my organs or it will end badly.

But that's in the past.

Now, I need to go & kill the person or 'gentleman' who is throwing pebbles at my window.

I opened the window & looked around. Then, a pebble passed me & hit one of my painting.

And do u know which part did the pebble hit?

It's a drawing of me, Lucas, my dad & my mom. & the stupid pebble hit my boobs!

I went to my window & looked at the person who threw the stupid pebble. "WHAT THE HELL, ASHTON?!" I yelled at him. "U HIT MY PAINTING!" I yelled again. He shrugged. "If u go out with me today, I won't throw another one." He smirked. Is he asking me a date?

"Is this a date?" I asked him. His smirk grew wider. "U can say that." I shook my head while smiling. "Nope. No way I'm going out with an ASS." I said. He started aiming the pebble towards me. My eyes widen. "NO! No! Fine. I'll go out with u." I said. He did a fist pump as I closed my window & curtains.

"I talked to him before he threw those pebbles." My mom said. I didn't even remember she was there. "Huh?" I raised an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes. "I told him to grow some balls & asked u out." My mom smiled. I nodded, understanding. But now, there's only one thing on my mind...

Ashton asked me out!

"Well, I'll leave u to get dress, Lilliana." She said as she closed the door. "Thanks mom." I said. Then, I plopped onto my bed again. What should I wear? What should I do? How should I impress Ashton? God, thinking about it will give me a headache. I quickly texted Violet.

To: The BFF Who Has Blue Hair


Then, I texted to a different number.

To: Nicky The Boy

NICHOLAS! What does a boy expect from a girl on a date?

Then, I got a message from someone else.

From: Prince Ass

Hey LOL. Meet u outside my house after 30 mins xx

I smiled like an idiot after I read that text. What does the 'x' mean? Does it mean kisses or deaths? I'm going to go with the first one.

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