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She ran through the forest desperate to get there before he found her. If he knew what she carried with her than all hope would be lost. The bundle in her arms shifted and she clutched it tighter to her chest. Pushing herself to move faster, to go faster.

"Just a little bit more, we are almost there," She reassured herself. It was going to be okay they were going to be safe. She could get away without a load of that much she was certain. There was somewhere she could go that he had no way of following her too. It would be okay, she just had to get the bundle to safety first.

After what felt like an eternity she made it to the meeting spot to find the woman waiting for her. She rushed into her arms tears flowing down her cheeks with relief and sadness for what she was about to do. Carefully she handed the bundle to the woman and turned to leave.

"Are you sure that you want to do this? You don't have to I'm sure that you can figure out a way to," But she cut the woman off knowing that it was no use.

"It doesn't matter, he will find it if I keep it. If he ever were to get his hands on it, I am too scared to think of what that could mean. Please just promise me that you will keep it where no one will find it. Promise me that much."

"Okay, if you are sure that I promise."

With that, she dashed off back into the woods. The tears wouldn't stop flooding her eyes, but she knew that this had to be done. How was she ever going to explain it, how was her mate going to react when he found out about what she had done? She did not look back, resigning herself to the idea that it would be gone forever.

As she ran from the clearing the sound of a baby's helpless crying split the air. Not one of pain or terror, but a cry for food, for warmth, for their mother. She ran and did not look back.

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