Chapter 16: Where?

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My new office was much larger than the one inside the training facility. I had designed it to fit my needs perfectly and it would have been perfect but there was one thing missing. I planned to remedy that problem quickly so that the plans I had been making for the past twenty years could finally fall into place.

Needing to clear my mind for a moment I turned taking in the scene outside. Hundreds of rouges setting up tents and establishing the new training area. I knew that there were quite a few who complained about having to be outside when there were rooms available in the fortress. I would take care of them soon enough, but for now, let them think they had gotten away with what they had done.

I was only allowing my top officials lodge in the fortress and even then, I was regulating them to the areas of the castle the furthest from me. I didn't want them getting into my things and messing with the equipment I kept stored in some of the rooms meant only for me. Well, me and my pet, but it seemed that she had been lost during the raid on the training facility.

I knew that she wasn't dead, she would have been found by the stupid pack warriors who had seemed intent on searching every square inch of the building trying to find something. I could only assume that they had somehow found out about the girl and had been intent on taking her away from me. It was foolish of them, they had no idea what she was. Without my help, she was going to become a monster and they wouldn't have a clue how to stop her. The thought of her tearing them apart from the inside and finding her way back to me made me laugh.

I glanced at the clock on my desk determining that it was finally time for me to grace the officials with my presence. They had all been sitting in the conference room for about five minutes now and were most definitely anxious to know why it was that I had called them together. Chuckling at the surprise I had to show them, I made my way out of the office and down the long stone hallways picturing what it would be like when my pet finally returned home.

When I arrived at the large maple doors that led into the conference room I paused listening to what was being said inside. The room was silent as if everyone was afraid to say something in case it could somehow be used against them. It was a smart move on their part, I had executed men for less and they knew it. I sighed realizing I wouldn't be able to kill someone for anything today, at least not yet.

I threw the doors open letting them crash noisily against the stone walls letting the sound echo through the room. The men all flinched at the noise and rose as I entered bowing their heads with respect and if not respect then at least fear. I smiled devilishly at them all as I took my place at the head of the table.

"Now then gentlemen, let's start this meeting shall we? Who attacked the training facility and where has my pet been taken?" I asked letting my true anger at the situation shine through in my eyes.
"Alpha, we were attacked by the Rising Dawn Pack. Alpha Mateo runs the pack and took over for his father, Alpha Aldegar, about six years ago. They have a habit of changing the rules that the deem old fashioned changing them to fit the times better. That is also where the girl was taken directly after the attack." My Beta, Darien informed me. I had already known she would be with the pack, but I hadn't known exactly who had taken her from me.

"Do we know where she is being held within the pack?" I asked and found that no one was able to meet my gaze.

"Harsten, where is my pet being held inside the Rising Dawn Pack?" I directed my question at one of the men who was in charge of the training sessions.

"We don't know sir," His reply was quiet and had me freezing.

"What do you mean you don't know?" My voice grew softer as my gaze narrowed on those around the table.

"The team that was sent to find her location hasn't returned and from what we gather they were captured on their way into the pack. Their pack security is tight and it seems nearly impossible to get someone in without suspicion. There are nearly twelve hundred wolves in that it makes it difficult not to be noticed by someone." This time it was one of my captains, Erilo, that answered my question.

"I expect to know where she is soon, I understand that their defenses might be up since they just attacked what they assumed was the Moon Shadow Pack, but I expect results by the end of the month." The men seemed to sag a little in relief at the words thinking this was all over.

"You might be interested to know that I have found a traitor in the ranks," This once again sent everyone on edge. Mindlinking the men outside they quickly dragged the culprit in throwing their body on the table.

She was no longer alive, but I had taken my time breaking him. I would not allow for any sort of distention in my men, they needed to be unquestioning in their loyalty to me. I also demanded that they keep their mates or slaves in line, if they were going to be here I expected them to be seen and never heard.

"She wrote to the Rising Dawn Pack, telling them or the 'horrible' way we treat our women, but it seems she wasn't rescued like some of the others. It was a real shame wouldn't you say?" All besides my top three looked away from the body looking as though they might throw up at any moment.

"Keep those under you in line, if I find out about anything like this again, those closest to the culprit will also find themselves in a grave beside the traitor. Find the girl, and bring her back to me, I can't have my plans delayed any longer. The time is nye at hand and I expect her by my side before I begin. She is the key to our success gentlemen, she is to be our trojan horse, though she doesn't know it yet. She will win us the war, whether she wants to or not, she will be our salvation."

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