Chapter 30: No News

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"She is out there somewhere I can feel it!" He exclaimed and the woman in front of him broke down into tears.
"Stop this Sindre, you know just as well as I do how much it upsets your mother. This isn't fair to her and you know it!" The venom in the older man's voice would have caused anyone else to shrink back but Sindre stood taller. 
"If she were dead we all would have felt it, we would have felt something! None of us have felt her loss yet, our wolves would know if she was dead and mine insists that she is alive." Sindre's voice is firm, filled with conviction. 
"You have brought this point up before brother and it is possible that since she was away from us for so long our wolves could not feel if the connection was broken. In any case our wolves cannot find a connection to her now. I understand that you want her to be okay but this is enough." Another male voice joined the others slightly quieter than the other two, softer as if he didn't have the strength to really argue. 
"Don't tell me you've given up on her too Torben, if anyone should be on my side it should be you, you were the last one who saw her before...." His words faded out when he met the hard green eyes of the man he was talking to.
"Yes, yes I was the last one to see her before she was kidnapped and taken away from all of us. I don't need you to remind me of my inadequacy, I am well aware that she is gone and I was the last one to see her. I know that better than anyone else because I think about it every day." The woman the older man was holding close to his chest spoke up then. 
"No, one is blaming you Tore, you know that none of see it that way. You shouldn't either, this is your father and I's fault and that is who the blame truely rests with." Her voice was soft as she spoke to her oldest son before she turned towards her younger child.
"I know that you want her to be okay, that you want her to be alive and healthy and fine and looking for us, but that probably isn't true. Face reality Sindre, if she remembered us and were out there she would have found us by now. Chances are she either no longer remembers who we are, is still being held captive, or is in fact dead. I know it isn't what you want to hear, but I can't take you bringing it up all the time. It breaks my heart to think about what might have been done or is currently being done to my little girl. I just...I can't...." Her words are cut off as another sob racks her chest and her husband pulls her back into the safety of his arms his gaze softening as he looks towards his youngest son. 
"We can't help her right now even if she is alive, we have no clue where she could be. What we can do is our duty by going to visit the Moon Shadow Pack. They have recently carried out a raid/rescue mission on a neighboring abusive pack and there are people there who will need our help. They might have experienced something similar to your sister and you would want someone to take care of her if she was found right?" Both boys nodded their heads as their gazes lowered to the ground. 
"Then pack your bags we need to head out by tomorrow morning. I am going to call the Alpha and remind him that we are coming to visit him. I expect you both to be ready to go and willing to help with whatever needs to be done. You're both excused." The brothers bowed slightly before exciting the room and their mothers tears began to grow more frantic while their father pulled her into his lap as he sank onto a couch. 

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