Chapter 15: Words

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I was getting really tired of waking up and having no clue where I was. Not only was it completely disorientating, but it made it nearly impossible for me to not feel terrified as soon as I woke up. I hated that I always felt like that, but what else was I supposed to expect in a world where everyone hated me and only wanted to hurt me.

I appeared to be back in the same hospital room, with its grotesque green walls and linoleum flooring. This time the wires in my arms were securely taped to my skin and I could tell the only way I could get them off my skin was by using a pair of scissors. The machines I was connected to also seemed to be weighted down so that I couldn't move them around as I had before. It seemed they were taking more precautions to make sure I wasn't going anywhere this time around.

My instinct told me to run, to try to make it back to Master before he could get really pissed or these people could punish me for trying to escape. But my body fought the urge, it was exhausted from all that it had been through and I had pushed it too far yesterday, at least I assumed it was yesterday. With all that had happened, it didn't have the energy to function the way it normally could.

I studied the room feeling as though something was off like something had changed since I had last been here. That was when I noticed the brightly colored package next to the bed. The polka-dot print and bow reminded me of the gifts the pack children sometimes received on their birthdays. I could only assume that someone had brought it to the wrong room and would be along soon to retrieve it.

I noticed that there were blankets piled on top of me, none of which were as fluffy or tempting as the one that had been on my bed the time before. I knew that they would take it away as soon as they found out it was something I liked, but I had hoped that I was going to be able to keep it anyway. I moped a little at the realization that the thing I had wanted was once again out of my reach.

A knock on the door sent me scrambling backward on my bed, I stared at it terrified of what was going to happen when whoever it came inside. After a few seconds, the knock sounded again, a little more gently this time.

"Miss, are you doing all right in there?" Daria's lilting voice caused me to stare stunned at the closed door. She waited as if expecting a response before she continued.

"I'm going to come in now, I'm bringing Mateo and a friend of mine along as well." When I once again didn't respond she took that as I sign that I was okay with the idea and finally opened the door.

She waltzed in with a smile on her face, followed by another smiling woman, and Mateo who seemed to be doing his best to look pleasant. The new woman wasn't tall, but her 5'5 frame was by no means short either. Her curly brown hair reminded me a little of Mateo's, but her eyes were a rich amber color while his were a striking blue. My best guess was that the two were somehow related though I wasn't sure how yet.

They kept away from my bed taking the seats on the other end of the room while Daria came over to me and began writing things down on her clipboard. I never took my eyes of the women and Mateo as I was unsure what her motive was in being here.

"Oh, don't mind the Luna, she doesn't mean you any harm lass. The last thing she would want is for you to feel unwelcome or uncomfortable. Trust me, sweetheart, she is kinder than anybody else you've ever met." I wanted to roll my eyes at that statement but was worried there might be consequences for that kind of thing.

It wasn't hard to be the kindest person I had ever met. If you weren't yelling at me you already made it into the top 100 pretty easily, and if you'd ever given me something to eat that wasn't poisoned in some way you made the top 50. It was a little bit ridiculous how she had phrased it as if it was a feat to make it onto that kind of a list in my life, in all honesty, it was probably the easiest of my lists to make it to the top of.

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