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Ryker sighed, she had a basket full of her and Dean's clothes, heading to the campus' washing room

She walked into the room and grinned when she saw Roman squinting at the bottle of detergent like it offended him

Perfect time to mess with him. That's what she thought until he took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead, taking a breath and putting them back on and Ryker frowned

"Hey Roman," she greeted softly, walking over to where he stood and he flinched slightly as the quiet of the room was interrupted

He looked over and smiled politely when he saw Ryker, her hair was up in a ponytail and she had on shorts and a vest, no makeup, she looked perfect.

"Hey Ryker," he replied and she set up her clothes to wash along with Dean's, no whites, easy wash.

She closed the lid and sat on top of the washing machine that was next to Roman

"You look kinda stressed there, everything alright?" She asked honestly, this wasn't the time to try to get into his pants anyway, not when he looked this frustrated

"Got alot going on is all," he replied, finally snapping off the cover on the detergent and taking a sniff

"Oh fuck me," he cussed with a roll of his eyes

"Gladly," Ryker replied, smiling and Roman shot her a look making her raise her hands in surrender and smirk

"I told Seth to buy lavender, he bought cherry, I'm gonna be smelling like a chick," he complained

"You'd be a hot chick," she tried and he cast her a hard glare

"Can you ever take anything seriously?" He asked, frustrated

"Nope," she replied, popping the 'p' and then smiling childishly

He threw up his hands and groaned, letting his hands fall into his hands

Ryker frowned again. Something was really bothering him. She reached over and picked up her bottle of detergent and held it out to him

"Here, it's lavender," she said softly and he looked at her with a questioning gaze and she gave him a smile

"Thank you," he replied, taking the bottle and she pursed her lips as he got his load in the washer

"So," she drawled as she swung her legs and he looked at her after he leaned back against the machine opposite to her

"You seem kinda tense, how bout we get outta here?" She asked and he tilted his head

"Where would we go?" He asked and she smirked

"Leave that to me," she replied

An hour later, Roman was laughing his head off as he sat across from Ryker at a cafe a little away from their campus

"So Dean and I just sat there in the hospital, Dean had a cast on his leg and we were just looking at his mom while she went off about why Dean should have never tried to walk in her heels," Ryker explained and Roman grabbed at his stomach as he laughed

"Closing time kids," the waitress told them and Ryker looked over at the clock and indeed it was 10pm, Roman and her had been sitting here for over 3 hours.

"I had alot of fun," Roman admitted as he and Ryker walked back onto campus and she looked at him and smiled

"Me to," she replied with a nod and a lip bite

"And as far as your advances go," he said with a pause and she frowned

"If you want me to stop, I will, I just don't wanna be barking up the wrong tree and you-" he cut her off by kissing her, slow and sweet, unlike anything she had ever felt before

When he pulled back, her eyes were still closed

"You definitely aren't barking up the wrong tree," he said, with a wide grin making her eyes open cuz she could sense his smile and she just NEEDED to see it

"Goodnight Ryker," he wished with a smile as he turned to leave, she watched him walk away

"Goodnight Roman," she whispered into the night as she turned back to go to her own room

Dean wasn't going to be home till late since he went to a party in the Lima wing, which she ditched to hang out with Roman, she knew she'd get an earful from Dean in the morning but as she felt the tingling on her lips, she knew it was worth it

She was also so scared, because the moment she felt warm when he laughed, she knew she was screwed. She felt like this thing with Roman was more than her wanting him in her bed, hell she knew it was more than that and that really fucking scared her

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